It isn't too often that I am shocked beyond belief when reading about a crime story. But the story of Jennifer and Adrianna AKA Nina Wix has my panties bunched into positions I didn't even know existed.
I stumbled onto this story on the web. And after more research I have found information ranging from topix to the websleuths sites. It is enough garbage to make you want to puke out your favorite food of the century. In the meantime, J's mother Kathy Holloway is on a mission to find out what happend to her precious family members only to be told her daughter was a "ho" and she is pimping out her grandaughter. This isn't the typical commentary usually found on a message board in a criminal case. Usually, the support of the public is key. Except, there are cases where the usual "guilty" have their crew of supporters backing them up. If you read my blog on the Corrie Wood case you can see this is true in the case of Scott Petro, obviously guilty of the slaying of Corrie Wood but yet to be charged. Don't worry folks, Blue Crime Hunter is on the up and up in that case and knows this one to be truly guilty and his time is coming. I have not yet infiltrated the Benton's but have faith that it is my new mission.
J and A went missing allegedly on the evening of March 25th, 2004. According to J's boyfriend "slimy" Joey Benton, he dropped J and A off at a gas station, he told law enforcement that he last saw Wix when he dropped her and her daughter at an Exxon Station around 9:30 that last night(25th) near Cross Plains. He stated they left with someone in a white car. Now, later Benton claims it was a white 4 door mustang or camero. Last, I check they don't make 4 doors in either of these models. My radar is scanning at full speed! What makes this "story" more proposterous is that Benton makes a claim that his girlfriend shows up at his home the following day looking for her income tax return while driving the same vehicle she was seen getting into the previous evening. At this time he claims her daughter was not present. To date Joey Benton is not able to give law enforcement the make and model of this car.
Since the time of disappearence the Benton family who Wix resided with have been hesitant in their cooperation with family. There have been searches on the land that is quite expansive but never has there been a FULL search of all land. Cadeavor dogs have not had the chance to comb the full capacity of the land the Benton's own. Why not?
What is more troubling and disturbing in this case is all the slander and "trash talk" that the Wix/Holloway family has had to endure at the hands of the Benton family. Not only have they had to deal with the Benton family they also have to suffer when learning that Joey Benton likes to run his mouth after he has consumed either to much alcohol or drugs. Pure Speculation, Folks.
From "Cricket" on Topix:
The boys name is Joey Benton.........this information should be passed on to Lt Don Bennett at the Robertson County Sheriff's Dept. This would not be the first time that this "boy" has been drugging it up at a party and bragged about murdering the girls! It's outrageous that he is still allowed to roam the streets of Robertson County!
Next, another example from Papabear himself, the father of Joey Benton who writes as a regular on topix.
Here Joe Benton tell his account of the evening that Jennifer Wix and her daughter went missing.
Joe Benton:
Huh, on thursday night when they left. Me and my wife were both home. There was a car reck in front of our house so the police or someone else may have seen them leave. Joey did not return until around 10, he had to pick up her cousin and be in Franklin ky early friday. I don't think she took the car seat from Joey's truck. She returned on friday after Joey and her cousin got home from work and got somethings I belive the car seat was one of them. He then went to a party Friday night. Jennifers aunt called late friday night and asked Joey what he knew about where Jennifer had gone. I carried him over there because he had been drinking. As I have posted the police did not show up until saturday.
As a crime buff, I find it interesting that this is just ONE account of the evening the girls went missing. Joe seemed to skip the detail about Joey's claim that Jennifer returned the following day seeking her tax returns. He is all over the topix board with different tidbits of info. It is all very scattered. But rarely does he ever recount the occurences directly and in order.
Next, I find this a little disturbing. Another EXCUSE of Joe Benton's about why Jennifer is the crazy one. Notice the date, April 15th 08' and you can see this is another grasp for a straw and poor attempt to draw the attention away from the Benton family.
Apr 15, 2008
we tryed for 3 months to get Jennifer sober she was hooked on prescription drugs. street drugs and alcohol. we could not get her sober. we made her leave once. and then tryed again. Joey lived in the barn with her for about a month before moving into the house.
For crying outloud, this girl was living in a barn. A barn she later wanted to return to after living inside the family home for a period of time. My question to you is, why would this young girl and mother want to return to a barn with no running water or heat? What was going on inside that family home? In my opinion something very sinister was going over the roof of Joe Benton. The question is what? And this leads me to one last factual bit of info. J took A to the Dr, there something was discovered that could possibly put the Benton's into the spotlight. Something that could point the finger in the terms of sexual child abuse but not such an obvious abuse that could have immediantly alerted the medical staff at the time. Did J confront the Benton's about A's situation? Did this lead them to disposing of J and A in the sense of murder or is it possible they were sold into slavery? I think either of these theories have clout and should be explored further.
Told by a person who knows of the Benton's on the topix website:
Post 210
Aren't these the same people who forced their daughter to give her son up for adoption because he is bi-racial?
The same people who took the child away and told everyone that the boy died and then allowed the good folks that worked with "the Benton's" to take up a collection to help the family?
Or did they accuse that child of running away, as well?
Maybe 'Friend' would share what "the Benton's" told him about the reasons he was given up for adoption?
Aren't these the same people who wouldn't take Jennifer and her baby to the emergency room when the child was in distress?
The people who, by Benton the Elder's own admission, allowed a young woman and her toddler to live in a barn with no water in the winter, rather than insisting that they at least live in the family's home like civilized people?
The people whose progeny has actually TOLD people that he killed Jennifer?(Which I have never believed, by the way.)
The people whose kid has been arrested over and over and over?
The people whose son is accused of abusing other girlfriends?
And these people "are some of the nicest people we have ever had the pleasure of knowing"?!?\
Something is stinking to high heaven in this small town of Springfield, Tennessee. And the Blue Crime Hunter is going to get to the bottom of it.
One other interesting tid-bit of info. The Benton's had a niece, Emily Benton who died at the young age of 17. She apparently died in a car wreck on April 13th 2004. It was said no foul play was involved. Now, don't take me for an old stupid fool over here but there have been a many of crime cases where car wrecks are involved and made to look like it was an "accident". What did Emily Benton know regarding the disapearance of Jennifer and Adrianna Wix? Was she hushed by the family? The brother of her parents? Did Jennifer confide in Emily? I smell a conspiracy, of course all just my opinion and I will clairify once more facts become known.
There is plenty of bickering in this case. But the Blue Crime Hunter is now on a mission. We are going to have Jennifer and Adrianna all over the national media when I am finished. It might not be tomorrow but the day will come when this case comes to roost. There will be graves dug up, property searched and plenty more where I am concerned. This case has been mismanaged and ignored. The Wix/Holloway family has a right to justice and justice it will be.
Wow! I remember hearing about this case thank you for adding so much detail. Sounds to me like this Joe has a little something to hide hummm? I will do some more digging myself but from what I see sounds like a guilty SOB if I ever saw one! I say start digging up that concrete , search every piece of that property and also the surrounding area. Oh wait he wont let them search any more, why would that be??
Why don't this son bitch let his property be searched? Wha heck carnation crap is this? This man looks guilty as a loosin horse on tha day of tha kintucky derby. If thsi son bitch is innocent why not let the authorities come in with some cadevar dogs?
Joe Benton is a lying, murdering sob. Afterall he is in charge. what a slob. Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. The Mrs. is under suspicion as well as their boy BUD. The family that murders together stays together.
I heard about this. That Benton guy lives down the street from my Mom. She is scarred of all of them too. Says they are known as scum and threatening innocent people for no reason. I am afraid for her. I am afraid to post my name for fear she will be harmed.
I heard about this last year and had no idea they were still missing or nothing was being done about it. Didn't they shoot some guns at the family or something too? How come they go on and on about the kids in Florida and no one talks about this little girl and her mama? Sounds fishy to me for sure and I will call some news people here in Nashville.
wow how do you find these losers they make me sick. this is the best blog ty for what u do
It is just my opinion but it looks to me like Grandpa Joe might be a molester? What is the medical condition of this little girl? Where is the wife of Grandpa Joe? What does she have to say about all of this? Is the younger Joe the molester? If Grandpa Joe is innocent why doesn't he let the authorites have full searchign access of his land? I don't get it? Seems simple to me!
this family is nuts! Let's see they have been accused of;
child molestation,
illegal weapons,
selling a child on the black market,
they have a daughter who is a stripper,
tax evasion,
drug use,
drug dealing,
building illegal buildings on
their family compound where they may have buried two innocent girls,
illegal dumping,
intimidating witnesses,
lying before a Grand Jury,
vandalism of a police car,
breaking and entering,
threatening a 65 year old women with her life in a public venue,
slandering a dead girl and her 2 year old daughter (the same ones they are accused of killing)
Harassing the dead girls Mother and Sisters.
Did I mention MURDER of two innocent girls?
The list go's on and on. It's all public record in case anyone is wondering if these are false accusations.
Glad I'm not related to them aren't you?
Is TN so uncaring of it's LAW Abiding citizens that they let this family of monsters remain free of penalty for their crimes?
Robertson County TN citizens should be so embarrased of their local law enforcement!!
How do you say re-election?
Thank you so much for adding these girls to your blog! These girls deserve justice and I know now with your help, they will be found and the creeps responsible WILL be brought to justice!
Another item to add to your list....a septic system built with NO permits obtained.
Ole Joe brags about how smart he is. Do his posts look like he is overly intelligent? Thought so..
ya want an eye opener...read the topix board
That whole crew has done their damndest to turn it into a circus, They find it fun to make fun of the Mother/Grandmother of these missing girls. Whats up with that?
It is so obvious from all the fake names and then ole Joe forgets what name he is posting under....and he claims to be SMART! Go figure.
Seriously to the poster with family close. I would take this very serious! I would be scared!I see the "ole guy" as being very controling,intimidating and well I could go on but you can see what I mean, and who knows that HE didn't do something with the girls and not Bud?? If it isn't them or someone in their family that did this, why won't they help? Why cover up stuff? why lie?
from the post the "ole guy" just made on topix.He don't like what he is seeing here. He is making false claims over there..but ya all knew he would hee hee
Thankyou for posting on here. Getting to word about the girls will help bring resolve to this case. I have been here since day one, it's been a long hard ordeal. Kathy and her family need closure. The girls are gone and the Benton clan are to blame. These bastards really think they are smarter than anyone! Joe is the ring leader, calls the shots. Wont let Joey out of his site for fear he might say something. Joe does think he can do whatever and get away with it.
Folks, I couldn't be more satisfied that I chose to write about Jennifer and Adrianna Wix. It seems there is a huge outcry from the public for this case to receive coverage and be put to justice for the girls and for the sake of the girls family.
I want to clarify something that I wrote about in my blog post. In no way, shape or form did I make any accusatory statements against Jennifer Wix for abuse of her child. That is NOT where I was headed and it is not where I am heading. My cloud of suspicison hangs purely and solely with the father and son. Of course in this country, innocent until proven guilty. But not in all cases is this fair, especially when the justice system is failing the the family of the missing girls after 5 long heart breaking years.
One last note, please try to keep it clean folks. I will moderate as I see fit.
Once again it's Joe (or his followers) bashing Jen and her family. It makes you wonder why this guy has to make himself look like such a fool talking shit all the time. He can't be that stupid. He HAS to see and KNOW how bad he is looking. (and the whole"fam damily" Why is he willing to do that to himself and his family? If the family is innocent and are sick of being bashed (as they have said in the past..which I don't believe but anywho) Does it make sense to anyone that in responce to that, he makes himself look so bad intentionaly? What is the deal with this guy? Why would he makes it his mission to go out of his way to make up stories about Jen and her Mother? And another thought....ya have to wonder if his employers know how much shit he posts on Topix from his place of employment...
just all my own opinions
Folks, I would like to keep the bashing to a minimum.
It is not fair to bash someone who is not posting here to defend himself. I would encourage Joe to give his side of the story once and for all.
I would also like to ask Joe to step up and prove his innocence by allowing and asking LE to bring in TexasEquisearch to check is property and area, ONE LAST TIME!!!
I don't see anything unreasonable about this request if you have nothing to hide.
I agree with Blue Crime Hunter 100% I think Joe should put this to rest and let a full scale search of his property occur. That way if he is innocent and nothing is found after a full search other options can be explored. Joe incriminates himself on topix and bashes Jen's family I think that is why everyone thinks he has something to hide. I myself want to know from Joe, why call of the search right before it was to happen? Why bash Jen's family when they are only looking for their loved ones? Joe if your own son or grandchild was missing what would you do to find them? If you could not search the last place they were seen and were denied access what would you do?
Joe Benton posted on topix last year that if his Grandson was missing he would find him in just 5 minutes. His daughter Amy (yes the stripper) said she thought they were less important than her car keys and wouldn't look for them at all.
Such a loving group. The daughter Amy also practices witchcraft and is an open drug user. But she swears she's a great mom.
I encourage everyone to read the Topix board on this subject. Start to finish. Then call the local cops and make a formal request to take action against these witchcraft practicing freaks.
Find him in 5 minutes huh? Cocky SOB
A total search would be difficult because of owner lines. In the Benton family land is put in each others names so it's hard to say who owns what. The house Jenn is missing from was such a case. Property lines down center of driveway. Then new house was built with $25 pole barn permit. septic tank and line with no permit. Shall I gone on?
Yes, please go on! The more truths exposed about this group of criminals the better. So please, go on and on.
Yes, please go on! The more truths exposed about this group of criminals the better. So please, go on and on.
seems to me that LE could get "up to the minute" records of who owns what and search warrents issued
from Topix someone named
Look For Jennifer
Greenbrier, TN
I have never posted on this site but I have to speak out.
I know it is horrible news to find out that once again the police suspect Nina has been abused. It must have been hard to watch you daughter be convicted the first time. You may not know it, but Jennifer would be the main suspect in this new case. If the barn she had lived in and wanted to live in was as bad as they say, I don’t believe the state would have let Jennifer keep Nina after this report. To the world it looks like Jennifer lived on the streets. Sure she found a shelter, but no water, on bathroom, no money for food or cloths. It is my understanding that the Benton’s helped her get food stamps later but come on. While you were in Vegas this is the way she cared for Nina. This is not the Benton’s fault; they did not even know Jennifer. To live on the streets is putting Nina in harms way. The county would not have convicted Jennifer if she had not put Nina in harms way. You would not have threatened to take Nina if Jennifer had not put Nina in harms way. I can not imagine what it must have been like to have the police come and take Nina from you and just hand her back to Jennifer. For what ever reason you must have thought Nina was in harms way. The reason doesn’t matter. It’s ok to think Jennifer just had bad judgment, we all know she was bipolar. If it makes you feel better a social worker told me it was not sexual abuse because she would have been called immediately if the doctor had the slightest suspicion of sexual abuse. Nina may just have had some burses and doctor was concerned. Jennifer may have just explained, kind of like Lucy did. But knowing your concerns Jennifer may have been beating Nina. Denial is a strong emotion. I wish your friends would not enable you so much. Jennifer would and did put Nina in harms way. People that did not know Jennifer, saying she would not do all this are just enablers. She did.
I am totally SICK of them trying to make Kathy feel guilty.....they are at it again this morning...why do they do this? I have no idea why they get such joy from seeing someone suffer.....I hope they all fry in hell!
The Benton family is a disgrace to humanity, people who act in a hateful manner towards others are nothing more than the excrement that leaves our bodies. Typical human behavior dictates if an individual is innocent they will go to great lengths to prove so. This is where I see a problem with Benton. If he is indeed innocent then why must he act hateful towards the family of someone he "cared" for. "Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." - George Bernard Shaw
"Look for Jennifer" post is one of the Bentons pretending to be someone else yet again. This has been going on with them since day one. We are used to them pretending to be other people online and it won't end.
speaks volumes about them doesn't it?
BLUE! Where did you find this case? Its a story waiting to be told! Whats with the family? This how Tenn does things
It is a shame the Mr Benton doesn't come on here and straighten all of you up! He does know what happened and he knows they aren't guilty! So, leave Mr Benton alone he is a nice man!!
It is a shame that a poor soul like himself doesn't do more to prove his innocence, since that is what you claim to be his stance.
Well it could be he is busy. He does work you know! And I do know the Benton's personally although we aren't close. I know enough to know they are not guilty of all you people claim they have done. Leave them alone! They are innocent! I feel sorry for Joe and his family, This isn't easy on them either you know?
I heard from a friend today (at Walmart)that Joe Benton and his Brother are both filing Bankruptcy. They are broke from paying off people to keep their secrets. My friend told me she has a sister who works at the bankruptcy division office at the courthouse in Robertson county.
I'm not surprised. People in this county hate the Benton's
I forgot that drug dealing in Robertson County is hard work.
Yes, WalMart is where I get my news also. I heard that the Bentons gather every Wednesday night at midnight in the woods and preform magic rituals. I heard that Jenifer was native american and her shaman pagaan beliefs did not go along with what they were teaching Adrianna. Everyone should be careful. Voodoo is nothing to play around with.
He is so busy he couldn't once in 5 years say something to clear this up?
you people are just being mean!
I see "Old Joe" has already attempted to infiltrate this blog. He is all about "spin" and "grandstanding," I think those things will be his downfall. Read the Topix thread in it's entirety and you will see someone who is determined to defame Jennifer and her family at all costs, he is in no way attempting to assist in the search for the girls. This is nothing but a game to him, he has proven over and over again that he is nothing short of evil.
If you are refering to my posts...I am not "old joe" nor am I a Benton I said who I was! Geesh
can't you read?
What a story! I wonder why the media hasn't snatched this one up! I'm going to write some and find out.
Well I don't know what to think! I went to the Topix board you all mentioned. OMG, I do not know what to think! While I certainly feel sorry for this Mother/Grandmother. The poor Benton's! They are just getting bashed big time! I am just not sure they deserve that! What if they are telling the truth? They said 4 searches have taken place at their property...if something was there after 4 searches it would have been found.No?
I wanted to comment on your story that you wrote here. I was wondering where you are getting your information? I am very aggravated every time that I read something like this being published publicly. Do you realize that by publishing your "opinions" that you are potentially hurting the case? Will you have a conscience about putting people's photos on your blog naming them as criminals if something were to happen to them and they were found to be completely innocent? I agree that we have freedom of speech in this country but you should not be allowed to trash someone while calling yourself some sort of authority figure.
It is my opinonsss that you are just adding kindling to a fire that's already burning out of control.
This whole family is soooo dirty! Almost all of them are criminals. From the Great-Grandparents all the way to the present generation.
So much turmoil caused by one group of individuals. It's really scary and portays that community in a horrible light. Reminds me of "the Klan".
I go to church in Cross Plains with members of the Benton Family. They are not criminals. God hears your lies. I will continue to pray for you all.
Remember to pray for all, which would include the Bentons who have also made poor decisions and haven't always been in the right.
To the person "Who goes to church with Benton Family members" And to the poster above that , that appears to be a family member...With all of the mean and vile lies they have stated as fact on the Topix board ( by the B's and their family, friends,other personalities...)....Do you really think God, can't read? Do you really think God can't see in their heart? Do you REALLY think God, finds it funny when Joe (or whoever) says the obvious LIES about Jen, Nina and Kathy? Do you think he also finds it funny when he twists fact and tries to mislead? And oh wasn't it funny when ALL of the Benton's backed out of the search last summer? I think not!
And what about when they called Jen a Ho and said she pimped out Nina?? I am sure God loved that one! ...While I am not saying the Benton's are guilty, I am saying they are certainly making them selves look that way. Why all the crud? While I am so sorry that some family members appear "normal" and do not want the rest of us to think wrong of their family...the actions speak louder then words. IMO! What "normal" people would go out of their way to victimize the Mother of these missing girls? OH thats right she has blamed the B's for her girls missing. Darn her! Well...who was the last people to see them alive? Where was the last place they were VERIFIED to have been? Who else would the Mother ask? And I might add expect truth, maybe even help? Now there is an option the B family doesn't seem to understand! And what about the Mrs???? WHY do we never hear from her? We do know ( because I have read that Jen told Kathy in the last phone call...that the Mrs yelled at her,called her vile names.on and on) But we NEVER hear from her? Oh, thats right she denies all that! Only God knows, but she may be the reason the girls aren't here...BUT rest assured all....GOD does KNOW and those responsible will pay...one way or another. HE will make sure the girls get justice.
I seen someone mention Karma the other day....I hear its a real thing!
I seen on the Topix board where Joe Benton is claiming this site is done by Kathy?
On Monday Jennifer asked my wife if Nina needed to go to the hospital. My wife told her, she did not think so. She told Jennifer that Nina had diaper rash and should wait until tomorrow and go to the doctor. My wife and I had to be in court on Tuesday and Joey had to work. (easily checked) So Jennifer asked her grandmother to take her. The doctor told Jennifer that Nina had vaginitis. She was given a paper with the diagnoses and treatment. Joey took Jennifer to town Tuesday after he got home to get Nina's medicine. Jennifer talked to Lisa on Wed and told her that Nina had vaginitis. Lisa told Jennifer that was an STD and that the police would take Nina if she did not do something. Wed afternoon Jennifer showed my wife the paper and told her what Lisa had said. My wife explained that it was a big word for diaper rash and that if the doctor thought that Nina had an STD she would have not be able to leave the doctor's office. Jennifer was real upset and that night (Wed.) called her mother. Jennifer and Kathy got into an argument because Kathy wanted Jennifer to come home.
So for the first week and a half this is what the police were told. After Jennifer left, Kathy thought Cindy was lying to Jennifer and did something to them to cover it all up. Kathy first told the police that Jennifer had not been heard from since Wed. She would then say Jennifer told her that Cindy was on vacation. She told about an argument on Wed night between Cindy and Jennifer, and that Joey had been called home early on Thursday and of course, that Lisa had said Nina had an STD. Kathy told the police Jennifer had never drunk, done drugs or been missing. The case seemed cut and dry.
The newspaper was printing "Missing woman not heard from since Wed." The Bentons won't allow a search", " Joey puts gun in womans mouth", " Joey tells a different story, first claims friends picked her up"." Joey claims it was a 4 door Mustang".
The evidence was so over whelming that the other leads were ignored. Like the man at McDonalds, the friend that saw her at the light. The friend that saw her in the store. Jennifer's father saying he heard a woman in the house.
The police jumped into action. They searched the house, barn, and autos. They took the computer and other things. They brought dogs out and searched the property, even the land behind the property. They had us ask for the phone records on all 3 phones. This was done within days of Jennifer leaving. The police could find nothing. So they tipped their hand and asked Cindy to take a polygraph. She agreed, so they set one up.
In the meantime, they got the phone records, the doctors records and the work records. It seems there was no call for Joey to come home early, in fact Jennifer had talked to 2 family members Thurday afternoon and told them Joey was not home. Cindy was at work. Nina just had diaper rash. The police found out Jennifer had been hospitalized for a drug overdose. She had been reported missing to the police before and she did drink. Jennifer had also been arrested for child neglect.
As for the paper articles, a police officer told the paper that the Benton's refused a search,but, the officer that was with him said that was a lie. The officer was fired. No one ever found out who told the paper about the gun in the mouth. It was Jeffrey that said Joey had told him about being picked up by a friend (Joey never told the police that story) and it was Heather that said Joey had told her about the 4 door mustang. Clearly Jennifer had been heard from after Wed.
At this point the police realized that the only part of Kathy's statement that could not be verified was the argument between Cindy and Jennifer. The paper had printed things that were just not true. There was no physical evidence. The computer, phone records , the work records, the doctor records, the lady at the store, the man from Mcdonalds, the searches, witness at the fire, all backed up what the Bentons had said. In fact was no inconsistent or incorrect statment that any Benton had made. Joey had passed a poly and voice test. So the police cancelled Cindy's poly and Joey was never tested for STDs.
At this point, Jennifer had been gone for over 3 weeks. The police are asking how can none of this be true, even the police officer had lied.
A year or so later the TBI would really look into this case. Kathy has told everyone that Jennifer was not really bipolar. But what if she was. Bipolar disorder is a serious illiness. What if something had happened to Nina? Could Jennifer's father have picked Jennifer up that night? Could Jennifer have buried Nina on the Benton property on Friday morning before she met Joey? Could someone else in Jennifer's family have helped her, get away with this. Could the Bentons have helped her get away with this? There were many questions, never asked, because of what the police were told in the beginning.
About 2 years after Jennifer left, Jennifer's father was interviewed by the TBI. There were warrents issued ( public record), wire tapping, people asked to wear a wire, gps system used.There was a huge search, all kinds of equipment used. CSI teams, Divers, THP, dogs, if Nina had been buried on this propery, we wanted to know about it. We did not want the media involved at this point. There had been an attempt to see if Nina had been buried on our land a year earlier but Kathy had called the media, so the search was stopped.
It has taken me about 1 year to get a record where I can prove all of this but I have it.
Here are 3 examples:
Heather post 88 "aunt lisa took her to the hosp and found that adrianna had an infection that is nomally found in grown women and that babies shouldnt have,now you take that how you want to.i know how i think she got the infection" Kathy would post she knew nothing about this.
Heather post 88 " i called joeys cell phone and spoke with him and he told me he took her to a gas station the night before and dropped her off and watched her get into a four door mustang or camaro " Note: Heather is where the four door mustang came from.
Casey post 173 "my mom didn't file papers, yes we all threatened it." Kathy said she did not know where that rumor came from.
I will post more later.
the above comment came from Big Joe off his blog...
As we have always seen...he will twist and turn facts. He will lie as he has done from the beginning. Makes you wonder why after all this time has be kicked it into high gear? Feeling the pressure you think? I think from what I see it looks like he may be having or getting near a mental breakdown.
what pressure would that be? we still have know clue to where she is. we are Not any closer today than 5 years ago. it's really just wrong... where are they?
Anonymous said...
what pressure would that be? we still have know clue to where she is. we are Not any closer today than 5 years ago. it's really just wrong... where are they?
Well I guess time will tell huh? And if he /they aren't feeling the pressure then WHY has he gone spastic in the past 4-6 weeks? Calling names, acting like a huge jerk? Could it be nah, never mind I won't go there.
You know, this is all a terrible. I am a Benton, 1st cousin to Joey, and have not lived in Springfield for 11 years, and have been out of TN for 8 yrs but I do know that I have friends there that say they have seen Jennifer several times over the last few years in and around Franklin KY but no one ever metions that. I know people do stupid things in their live but to think that Joey did something like that and to think that Jennifer is on the familys ground is not even imaginable to me. I know for a fact that the 65 acres have been searched at least once by law enforcement and there is nothing there. This is the first time I have ever seen this blog and it really pisses me off.
What REALLY REALLY pisses me off is that they bring Emily into this. Today would be here 24th birthday and that was my only sister. Seeing that you comment "Was hushed by the family?" tops everything on here. By the way, Emily was 18 years old when she had the car wreck, on April 13th, 2004, on her way back to college after it had snowed in APRIL IN TN which is unheard of. To think that this could have been an accident is completely unthinkable. About as unthinkable as me getting mad about the comments you are making on here since I have no idea who you even are. Anyway, Joey may not have done everything right in his life, but I know in my heart and soul, as I do go to church and belive fully in God, that he would never have done anything like this but do not ever bring Emily's death into this again. I guarantee if you talk to the lady that hit her when she skidded out of control will tell you that it was an accident because NO ONE would ever be part of that because Emily deserved more than this. I end this in her memory as a wonderful, beautiful girl who only meant good for every one she ever meet.
Right on JBR. The people on here have no clue what the hey they are talking about. So many things about what has been said is so incorrect it is pathetic. Emily was like blood as many of the Bentons are. They are fine people who will gladly help and love anyone they know. I grew up going to the Benton's and grew up around them and in their homes. As far as Emily's death...how dare you. I still cry because I miss her so. She was like a sister to me...friends since we were 3. Whoever is responsible or whatever has happened....God will shed light on when He and only He is ready. I am sure none of you personally know the Bentons...only what you hear. RIP Emmy..I love you and will see you when we meet our Maker.
I just learned of this case. Don't let it go cold! The families deserve closure and peace. prayers
2015 - Crazy to think that this is still an open case with all the things they have now days. I would bet money the bodies of these girls are on that property - if not then on the property of a good friend neighbor.
Please contact me . My name is MiSchelle , I'm fighting for Jennifer
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I have known Kathy for a few years now, and all she does is search for her daughter and grand daughter. looking aimlessly into crowds, looking in every car that passes. she has a right as a mother to know what happened to her family. I hope you bring justice for Jennifer and her daughter, Adrianna. they deserve it, if no one else does. the bentons are obviously horrible people that need to be convicted of all of their crimes.
Just a few weeks before they disappeared joey found out he wasn't the father and the real father was told and started visitation, no one cares that he never was allowed to know his daughter and is heart broken over this.
If all of this information is known, why is it so hard to solve? Cold cases from 50 years ago have been solved because of technology advancements. Family is family, some love, some hate, some are good citizens, some are losers, but just because they have the same last name doesn't mean they're the same type of person. Emily was a wonderful person, that's all that really needs to be said about her. The rest is just a puzzle and to this day, we obviously haven't found the right person to solve it. I have heard Robertson Co is easy to pay off though...
Interesting gut feeling I have here. My friend asked the other day “where would you hide something so it would never be found”. My answer was “have a new septic tank installed and hide it under the septic tank.” Ground penetrating radar can’t find it. A septic tank will probably never be removed. They would just fill it in with dirt and install a new one n 100 years. I figured with the change in case status from Missing to Homicide that a search warrant would pop up. I guess not. What would it take to get the FBI or a higher agency involved? I guaranteee if they do, and search that land, Kathy can lay her daughter and grand daughter to rest and mostmfmtyat family will do,time. So how can a bigger agency get interested in this case? That is the answer.
The local police can ask for help from the FBI and they may get it because there is a child involved. I bet if the FBI was was involved they would get search warrants to dig up every inch of that property. If that septic tank went in around the time of they went missing, I bet the farm they are under it.
Its been 14 years, have you not done any more searching blue crime guy? Or have you given up? Hope once this next election happens, Robertson county will get a sheriff that actual does something over this and other things to help out our county
This case needs to be solved. When will someone from the Benton family grow some and do the right thing? They know. They all know!
What a terrible travesty where a young woman and her baby girl go missing and the land can't be searched properly. If I were those Bentons and had nothing to hide, I'd tell them to check out the old septic tank and anything else they want to search. Why let people speculate that the girls are there for over a decade, if they aren't there?
Did the Bentons ever harass the blog author?
My guess is that the case was reclassified to a homicide because of how stupid and sloppy old Joe and the other Benton family shills have been on the internet pretending to be other people professing their innocence.
He was at a party my brother was also there he admitted to killing them and burying them on that property apparently he has admitted several times why is nothing being done
Did people who heard him saying that report it to the police?? They are witnesses to his confession
Denver Colorado
Any updates?
Who cares what she did or didn’t do? She didn’t kill herself or her child so why is ANY of that valid? You Must be a piece of shit to speak about 2 missing people including a toddler. You’re right about one thing she did put herself and Nina in a horrible position but that was by living or trusting the Benton’s! I’d love to hear you explain away all of old joes new charges! By all means tell us how good of a person old joe is by possessing sexual content involving a minor from 20 years ago!
Look up his new charges….poor Benton’s my ass
How do you explain all of old joes new charges? A photo from 20 years ago….a sexually explicit photo of a minor to be exact.
Yes google his new charges
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