Saturday, November 8, 2008

Corrie Wood II

I decided to go ahead and shut down the comments section on the first Corrie Wood posting. I warned everyone not to make any threats to one another. It is unacceptable. Scott is technically innocent until proven guilty. However, that still doesn't mean you are not entitled to your opinon and if you want to express your opinon - please state: This is my opinon on what happend but there is no confirmed truth to the matter. I will now moderate any posts before they are allowed on my blog.

Reading this might be emotional for Scott to read. If you are innocent in terms of Corrie's death, then you have nothing to worry about. Any opinions being said on here hold no merit to you and my suggestion would be trying to find the person who did this to your girlfriend. This is the only way to fully take the cloud of suspicion off of you. Just my opinion. Last, since you are reading my blog, I would like to plead with you to stop drinking and driving. Maybe you had nothing to do with Corrie's death but I would devastated to find out that you killed an innocent person while drinking and driving. Please think of the innocent people out there that don't want to loose on of their son's or daughter's to a drunk driver. Think of your own child being taken from you by a drunk driver, imagine the hurt and pain you would feel. Please.

Folks, always remember that the mistakes of your youth and younger years can haunt you later in life. Every choice you make can affect you later on in life. Just like people that commit sex crimes against our youth will forever pay by being "outed" no matter where they live. Though, in my opinion they should have more harsh consequences. However, I am grateful to have this type of protection in place. When a sex crime is commited, it is always the prior offenders that are dragged in first. When you committ a violent hate crime, you will be in a data base and gurantee you that you will be dragged in first. I can understand Scott being frustrated at the speculation but he needs to remember that in most cases, it is always those with a prior record that are under suspicion first.

Keep it clean this time or I will not allow any additional postings.

Blue Crime Hunter


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Anonymous said...

Scott, you must be getting scared right now. All that looking over your shoulder, covering your tracks.

Anonymous said...

i hope that this all comes to an end soon then we can all sleep in peace at night...corrie will never be forgotten, but it will bring some closure for us all.

Anonymous said...

This is very close...I would not be suprised if Scott came up AWOL

Anonymous said...

From what I hear it's going in a direction that's going to shock us all. I think it will end soon.

Anonymous said...

From what I hear it's going in a direction that's going to shock us all.
This isn't a fucking soap opera. This is real life.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say it was a soap opera and yes I understand this is real life but I am just stating what I heard.

Anonymous said...

So I googled Corrie's name and another blog site came up??? There is nothing on it but looks like it was set up early November. The site is

Anonymous said...

ill believe it when i see some real action. People have been saying for weeks this is almost over and day after day goes by......

Anonymous said...

Are F-bombs neccessary? Even if you are white trash, try to post in a respectable way.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever stopped thinking that maybe it wasn't Scott that took Corries life? The other man (Kent Walters) DID fail his lie detector test and was in interagation for over 7 hours. This is what I heard. Nobody has ever looked into these people and may they should. Just giving out new info I guess. Hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

Wow seems like a bunch more crap being posted on WS. Do any of you have anything better to do than post inacurrate infomation here. Maybe if you feel the need to post call the cops and find out the truth first.

Anonymous said...

Lies it may all be, but to get to the truth you have to hear the lies. Everyone just wants justice for Corrie, her family, friends, and especially her little girl.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though the whole town is now just waiting in anticipation.

Anonymous said...

" Maybe if you feel the need to post call the cops and find out the truth first."
I would bet that would give you a lot of info!! Just what do you think they are going to tell you about an ongoing investigation? What a brillant thought.

Anonymous said...

Who else is sick of Lacy defending Scott??? It is REALLY sad for you Lacy, you need to seek some mental help. I have been told you were not the brightest bulb in the box and now I really believe this. You are going to go down in this whole thing because of your actions. You claim to have been a "friend" to Corrie but we all know what you were doing. LE is going to be making their move soon and this is REALLY sad for you and your children. I hope you can't sleep at night with this stuff on your mind.

Anonymous said...

Why are we bringing attacks tward other people. This is retarted at what you people are doing to others. Corrie wouldn't want the fighting or BS so maybe we should stop it and stick to the facts. Why are we disregarding all the other evidence about the other people that were with her? Maybe just maybe we should look into it as it could be facts (and I do believe it is). Most of this is coming from the mouth of Kents girlfriend Melissa herself so it must be facts. Lets see what we can do.

Anonymous said...

Are F-bombs neccessary? Even if you are white trash, try to post in a respectable way.
Seriously? What kind of hoity toity person are you to tell peope how to talk? I'm not white trash and I'll talk how I please.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister I agree, talk how you want!!! You go girl:)

Anonymous said...

How do you know that Kent failed? Who is saying it came from his girlfriends mouth? This is just dumb think about it for a minute. The police have not realeased any information about the polygraph's, hmm maybee for a good reason. Do you think that the police are stupid enough to tell people if they passed or failed a polygraph? I doubt any detective is that stupid to question someone in a murder case and then tell them, oh by the way you failed your lie detector test but we aren't arresting you know. Here these are the questions you missed do you want to try them again? Or better yet, you failed your polygraph, now would be a good time to skip town before we arrest you, how could anyone be dumb enough to think that they would tell you. Of course they probably always tell people that they are doing fine when they are taking it, because they want you to keep answering questions, and they are smart enough to know, that if you know that you are getting caught lying, hmm would you keep answering questions. Ok now I am not defending anyone or accusing anyone in any way, I am just saying don't start stupid rumors. Think about it, sounds pretty dumb now doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

Common Sense:
·If they were at the Cactus to celebrate Corrie’s b-day, why would Scott not leave and drive home with his gfriend Corrie to the house they lived in together? ·Why would Red drive out of her way to take Corrie home if Corrie’s bfriend Scott was at the same bar? Answer: Scott and Corrie had a big fight at the bar and he demanded she get her sh** out of the house.
·What are the chances that someone else would go to the house that they both lived in, killed Corrie, and Scott just happened not be staying there that one night? And don’t forget the dog(s) that lived there. What are the chances it was a bushy-haired stranger? Answer: Slim to none.
·Where did Scott go after he left the Cactus?
A. He drove home to his and Corrie’s house, was enraged and beat Corrie to death.
B. He drove home to his and Corrie’s house, but was locked out so he slept in his truck.
C. He drove home to his and Corrie’s house, but was locked out so he drove to their new house and slept there.
D. Realizing he had too much to drink, he knew he shouldn’t drink and drive so he slept at the bar owner’s house.

Anonymous said...

As an informed consumer, I personally would not hire a company that was owned by someone who is a ticking time bomb with a criminal history of theft, deception, assaults, and making threats against people. Thanks but no thanks.

Anonymous said...

about the test yes it is true and Melissa was telling people about hers the day after she took it. It is VERY possible to find out the results after you take them ( call a lawyer to find out they will tell you yes) Kent has hired a very high power att. to fight the test and no they can't arrest you after the test shows lies and they can't even use the test in court due to reliability. I'm not bluffing here maybe we should all listen instead of blowing of evidence that is case related. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have NSC's email address? I would like to tell her a few things.

Anonymous said...

OMG NSC thinks shes's at it again!!!! Holy cow she thinks she missed an important phone call friday with info on Corrie, well let me tell you something, LE aren't going to tell you anything let alone do you have eveidence of anything that is going to solve this crime. You keep saying this is going to end soon but they (le from what I hear) are looking at totally different suspects than you are so have fun with that one:)

Anonymous said...

I have been following these blogs from the beginning. It amazes me that someone or anyone thinks that they can solve any crime on a blog. If they have any information that LE does not have I would like to know why, unless they are involved. LE has all of the facts they will solve this. The only thing that gets accomplished on these blogs is adding fuel to the rumor mill flame.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more with the previous poster. RUMORS is all this and the other web site is. I don't understand why the rumors keep going. Do you people not stop and think that maybe it is ruining peoples lives? I can't stop thinking about the innocent people that are getting talked about on the websites. I makes me ill thinking about it. If you do have information take it to LE not the internet. From what I understand from people in that town, think it's all a bunch of rumors and false information and people are starting to believe that it was't Scott. There has been too much information arise that doesn't point to Scott, this is just what I hear. I just want to say to the innocent people involved that are getting brought into this keep your head up and stay strong. You know who I'm talking about. I have a very hard time thinking that the NSC has information that is going to bring this case closed. If you stop and think about it all that person is bringing to the table is public information that anyone could find and that a lot that people already knew. I did read the NP article and to me and other towns people it wasn't all true and from the other web site it was all due to NSC and her what she thinks is being a hero in all this really isn't. This is not CSI this is the internet. I could even pull public records and look just like her and it would even mean nothing to me since it is public info and even contact a newpaper editor and still get the same accomplished. Let's just let them do their job and let all the rumors stop. I hope I can see this happen for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

Maybe no one person is going to "Solve" the crime on here. The purpose of these blogs, in my estimation, is to share information that you have either heard or know first hand. Known as fact, or known as fiction. People will just naturally post on here rather than go to the police or crimestoppers, to remain anonymous, for various reasons.
True, it is too bad unfounded rumors are posted just for personal reasons. If you do have facts pertaining to this or any case, the first place you need to go is the police. As stated in one of the news articles, the police do look at these picking up pieces here and there, then deciding if it pertains to the case at hand. You might be surprised how a subtle remark might lead to something. Some posters are easily discernable. As their story changes from time to time, it might be a lead they are looking for. The people that put all this together are not fly by night spooks that know nothing about how to go about it, just as Law Enforcement is trained to look for certain clues. Sometimes it is not what is said, but how it is said and more often what is not said. You do not necessarily need to personally know a person to get a pretty good idea of what type of person they are just by sharing on here, posters and suspects alike. Psychology plays an important role in putting things together, then go after the physical evidence to tie it in, or visa versa if that be the case.

Anonymous said...

Why is nobody looking into the other people that have been posted on here? I have been reviewing this blog and see that a different guy (not scott) failed his test? Has anyone looked into this as a possible truth?

Anonymous said...

I am also interested in whether or not Kent actually failed the test and why he failed it if it's true.

Anonymous said...

I too, would like to know the truth about Kent and his test. As was stated in an earlier post, I'm sure he knows the outcome, and it is either rumor or fact he did fail. Of course we have no idea what the questions were that tilted the test, if in fact it did. Was is past, was it present, was it personal ??? I have never personally taken one, but think I would be awfully nervous when the time came and probably would "Blow" some of the questions even if I had nothing to do with what the test was about. I'm sure they have a way of deciphering that too. I am confident more than just the few mentioned on here are being looked at. There is more than one or two people of interest in my opinion. Be it the person or persons responsible for this death, I truly feel the investigators are not blind to the fact there could be others involved and are searching for answers in more ways than we imagine. I just hope some of the results they are waiting on have a positive outcome, along with someone who can no longer live with themselves knowing something about this crime.

Anonymous said...

Dear Scott,
I would like to say that I am praying hard for you tonight. I am praying that tomorrow they put you in prison where you belong. I pray that this gives LE more time to solidify the evidence that they already have against you. I pray that that you get all that you deserve and what is coming to you. I know that others will be praying with me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you that NSC is blowing smoke trying to be some important hero. The truth is that UNLESS YOU ARE INVOLVED WITH THE INVESTIGATION, the police are not going to disclose important information to you. I don't agree that people with actual evidence are going to post on here instead of going to the police, especially when you can call crimestoppers, remain anonymous and collect $1000. Doesn't make any sense now does it? These blog sites are set up for entertainment. Oh and I'm sure that no one that took a lie detector test knows how they did, and you are foolish if you believe hiring a lawyer will get them to tell you the results. The truth is the police don't have to disclose information with a lawyer unless their client is actually arrested, and then it's the prossecuting attourney that has to give them case information. And you whoever said kent hired an attourney, how do you know this? Kent would have had to tell you himself, or been talking about it, because it is illegal for an attourney to talk about their clients with other people, just like it's illegal for a doctor to disclose information without your permission. And yes I know it is fact that his girlfriend was bragging about passing her test because I know people that heard her bragging, but in reality she has no idea how she did, of course they will tell you that you did well because they don't want you to get scared and run off. This stuff isn't too hard to figure out. By the way NSC if you have the kind of information that you are always boasting about, what kind of position are you in to get classified case information?

Anonymous said...

About Kent failing the test, it came from his girlfriends mouth and also about hiring a lawyer to fight the failed test also came from her mouth. Yeah NSC has no idea what she is really doing just putting rumors on here and blowin smoke. I just also wanted to say that I agree with the previous poster that stated people are starting to think it wasn't Scott, I have also heard this many places that this is what people are thinking. I hope it comes to a close soon for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Well hello there all.... this is NSC posting over here at Blue Crime Hunter. Everyone can make speculations that I am "blowing smoke" or whatever you would like to call it. If you want to think that, who I am to stop you?? Please feel free to think this. I do obtain info that is directly from LE indirectly. That is all I will say on the matter. If you must know I used to work at a private defense firm and I know how these cases work. Nor would I EVER post anything publicly that I might be privvy to that could hurt LE investigation. Anything that has been obtained by myself or others that could be useful to LE that has not been posted has been submitted to LE. Just to be clear.

You all keep on believing whatever you want to believe. You won't hurt my feelings and it is your right to believe it. Say whatever you want about me, call me names, say "I am full of it". It will not change my stance on this case and my will to see justice done for Corrie.

Also, if Kent was the "killer" and Scott was in on this info...don't you think he would be up in arms with fury?? It is well documented by LE that Scott can't keep his temper under control. I saw the transcripts of the recent terroristic threats...and it didn't sound like a man in grieving when he says "I AM GOING TO GET YOU TOO" -- Yes, well documented!!!!!!!!!!! We still don't see Scott out there up in arms looking for a "killer" of Corrie. That is because there is nobody to look for.

I agree with the "Dear Scott" poster above...

I am praying for his return trip to prison.

Anonymous said...

LIAR you have nothing from LE nor are you working with them IF and IF you did you would have accurate information, all the stuff you are bringing to them I bet they are all laughing at you cause none of it is true and I did hear this from a very reliable source. Take it for what it worth but maybe you didn't so so well in crime school and you faild out since you were ubable to solve any of them. School people don't like smoke blowers. Just try to keep thinking you are doing the right think so you can still sleep even though you aren't doing it. Just courious how do you think you are doing the right thing?

Anonymous said...

Ok to the poster above me who I am guessing is Lacy or Scott as they seem to be the only 2 that post and try and shift blame away from Scott and onto anyone else even if that person was supposedly a friend. I can also state with a 100 % fact that NSC knows what she is talking about. Her information is accurate and I have verified that myself so I will not believe just because someone comes on here and calls her a liar with no facts AT ALL that they happen to be the one telling the truth.

So, tell me Lacy/Scott whoever you are why are you so scared of NSC hummm? When it was posted that there were new charges for DWI you came on here and called this information a lie and guess what? I called LE and found out for myself that it was true directly from them. So tell me how is NSC a cheliar give me facts that I can ck out and confirm that you are not in fact the liar and I am happy to follow up on them. I am also privy to a lot of 100% confirmed details that you have called a lie so I am thinking the only liar here is you, but my question is why?

Anonymous said...

If these transcripts of Scott are correct is it possible he meant "I AM GOING TO GET YOU "TWO" and not "TOO". If my wife was murdered and people were talking trash when it wasn't me, I would probably make the same comment. Even more so, if I thought they were involved, I would certainly make such a comment out of anger and I have no criminal record. If someone close to you gets murdered, there is obviously a period of time were your not thinking rationally. Touristic threats must constitute more than angry words otherwise it’s ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Liar? Okay, no that is not me :)Fail Crime school??? Ha! Best one I have ever heard.

Look you are obviously VERY upset and if things I were saying had no accuracy to them you shouldn't be worried as they are just my "opinion" based on factual information.

Also, can you dispute to me the police report about Scott telling this person "I am going to get you too" -- because that is FACT and it is on the report. Unless, you haven't had access or the proper sources to see the report. Not mention people must feel a threat in Scott as orders of protection have been taken out.

Anonymous said...

He has a history of terroristic threats. Not just this instance. That was before Corrie was murdered. There is no excuse. And like it or not, Scott has a history. And you just make yourself sound more sorry by the minute you continue to defend him. And any significant other should expect to be a suspect in these cases. It is pretty routine, I learned that in crime school.

Anonymous said...

Aha, well now you see I have resources to gather police reports and such. Since you have confirmed this instance of terroistic threats. I now rest my case. I am not a liar and I do have resources.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you It wasn't Lacy or Scott on that post it was me. Get over it being them that post on here, it is free for all. As to the report about Scott yes anyone can get that it is public record once again. LE isn't going to tell you anything with this investigation unless you are a cop and I don't think you are. You are going in the wrong direction. Did they ever tell you what was in the search warrant, what was found at the house, about the failed test, ect ect ect. Well no they didn't or you would have a totally different aspect here and you don't. I won't for one minute believe you since you don't have accurate facts. I think once this is all solved you will be shaking your head at what a fool you are and have been. I guess you and I know to different sides of the story. Why aren't you looking into the other people and just ignoring it? Are you too ashamed to let us know you were wrong, yeah I think so.

Anonymous said...

Nice assumption. If I am wrong, I will say I am wrong. I also know for fact who two of the other POI's are. So, yes I do factor in others. I guess we will just have to see it all unfold. I don't claim to know EVERYTHING. Just what I know for now. If I am wrong, I will SHOUT IT ALL OVER!!!! I am not to proud and I only want to see justice for Corrie.

Anonymous said...

I think Scott wants justice for Corrie more than anyone. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

So why not post about the other 2 people and only Scott to be attacked? Looks like you are judging. Who are the other 2 people?

Anonymous said...

Ok, if the majority of us are going in the wrong direction and you seem to know the right one, then why don't you share your thoughts instead of calling others liars? I know that NSC is not a liar as I have confirmed each and everything that she has said as fact on my own. Anything else is merely her opinion and she states as such when that is the case. I think that it is very clear that NSC cares a lot about this case and she has spent a lot of time researching, please tell us, what have you done? You come here and insult, what have you done to help? You state you have information on the warrants, and failed tests? Ok, if LE won't give out any info as you state how do you have this detail? Is this from word of mouth from persons involved in the investigation? If so that is not fact just rumor but I agree that it should be discussed and proven or disproven that is not hard to do at all. I am not narrow minded. If you think it was someone else I would love to discuss the who's and whys and research your angle. You noted something about the failed test are you referring to Kent? If so please let's discuss what we know about him as a potential suspect. We know that he was at the bar that night, we know that it was his gf that brought Corrie home. What do we know about his story has he given an alibi? What questions did he fail? How do we know he failed as I have not heard Red state this though I have heard several other things that she has said this was not one of them. Is this enough to go on for now? Ok, lets discuss :)

Anonymous said...

Just a little info for those of you who are so sure no one can get the results of a Polygraph after they take one.

Who gets the test results?
According to the various state licensing laws and the American Polygraph Association's Standards and Principles of Practice, polygraph results can be released only to authorized persons. Generally those individuals who can receive test results are the examinee, and anyone specifically designated in writing by the examinee, the person, firm, corporation or governmental agency which requested the examination, and others as may be required by due process of law

Anonymous said...

I never did state that I knew what was in the search warrants because I don't know about what was in them. I was just stating that if she knew so much about this case and LE are telling her about the case then she should know about the warrants. About the test yes the person that took the test can find about about them, if they didn't then why would she say he failed the test and then have to get a lawyer. That doesn't make much sense to me. LE won't release any details to just a someone on the internet just because they want to play CSI. This is the internet not the cop shop people and it won't be solved on here. If it was going to be solved on here with all this information don't you think it would be by now. Maybe it's not because it's all a bunch of rumors like many people have stated.

Anonymous said...

Gottcha. From your post it sounded like you had info on the warrants and such. There was information on the warrants that was released I can't remember where I got the info that I have on those to be honest with you. I think what I have is pretty basic. I will say that I know where she is getting info from and it is very legit! NSC is not just some person that posts on the internet and plays CSI. She has experience in the field herself and knows how the system works. Could you work with me here rather than against me and tell me exactly which facts that NSC has posted that you state is not true? I would like to check what you think is not true against what I have documented as facts that I can 100% back up and see what I can find. Also, You wanted to talk about other potential suspects per your other posts,but you really gave me nothing to go on to do so. You state that KEnt failed his test and that "she" stated so? Ok, she is Red? When did she state that he failed, was it to you personally? If it was not stated to you personally than you cannot state as fact that he failed his test and only that it is your opinion that he may have failed correct? I am aware of several things that she has said and I have never once heard that she told anyone that her own bf failed a LD test. What would be her reason in doing so? In telling someone that he failed it puts all eyes on her as well seeing she is his gf it makes no sense that she really stated this. Also, he may very well have hired a lawyer many people do this to protect themselves in cases like this but it doesnt mean that he failed a ld test.

Anonymous said...

If you know so much about the search warrants why don't you tell us what was in there so it could help us all. That would be a great help to everything. I still don't belive NSC is getting stuff from LE they wouldn't release stuff to the public in a case like this so I don't know why you would stand by that. Just an FYI I did call the state patrol and they will release no information to me or anyone with out the lawyer of the POI. So to me that tells me she is playing the hero part. I think all the stuff on the web site is BS and it is taking us no where. I would like to see a list of the information she has so we could all put it together and sort out the facts from the rumors and BS. I would really like to see it. Once I see it I will also help sort the facts from rumors to clear somethings up. If it's that important for NSC to get the facts then she will post it.

Anonymous said...

I never said I know so much about the warrants please re read what I wrote. Just to clarify I stated that some of the info was released at one point and that the info I have on the warrants is basic. Basic meaning that I have the general info such as the addresses that the warrants pertain to and roughly when they were issued. Right now I am at work and I have all of those files on my home PC. Please let me know if what I stated is not info that you already have and I will go through my files after I get home from X mas shopping tonight. I am really done going back and forth on NSC, why am I standing by what she says the answer is simple, I was able to verify everything that she has stated as fact independantly on my own and get confirmation in black and white. I asked before and I would really appreciate an answer on exactly which details you think are not fact that she has posted as I might be able to help you confirm those facts for yourself. I cannoy however do that if I do not know what details you are disputing, why you think they are not true, and with no info you may have to back up your theory.

Also, anything that can be posted so far by NSC has been posted over at WS. There are details that cannot be posted on a public forum however as they may compromise the case. There are many things that I would love to shout from the rooftops but I cannot and it is really frustrating.LE has all of the info but some things cannot fall into the wrong hands. I would rather piss people off by not posting some things than compromise Corrie's case in any way.

Anonymous said...

Like I said you have no information from LE so I guess I'm done with you. They WON'T give out information so give up on it cause I have given up on you. You are nothing and have nothing that pertains to the case. Like you stated it would put a damper on the case if it got in the wrong hands. It's only in the hands of the LE not you or anyone on this stupid internet.

Anonymous said...

The internet isn't so stupid....there is plenty that comes from it. I am NOT going to post things that have been told to me in confidence by official sources. There are plenty of ways to get info from LE off the record, BTW. Again, it shows how small minded your thinking is. And you are welcome to call me liar, a fraud or whatever you isn't going to bother me. If I were you, I would think anything is possible at this point. And I know why you want me to post the "facts" that I have and it isn't going to work.


Anonymous said...

So are you telling us that LE gives you information?

Anonymous said...

Information can be obtained "off the record" fairly easily. This is small town LE we're dealing with...

Anonymous said...

It would actually shock you...

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me why people will continuously post discontent with other posters, call names, and generally think everything except what they post is hogwash. If you are that narrow minded, why even come here and read? Wouldn't it be doing your mind a favor to not be involved at all? You appear to be nothing short of miserable each time you respond to something, so take a break, chill out, and relax. Most will welcome any input that would be open to discussion. You can not expect to post without the content being open to dispute by others. If there is basis, you should state what that is to start and that will clear the air as to why you have that particular thought or opinion. Also, you should be prepared to be proven wrong and be prepared to retract what has been disproved. If you look at the two sites involved, Web Sleuths has a collection of open minded individuals from all over the country, world for that matter, (with a few local exceptions), that seem to be sharing information, getting along without bickering, and generally want to help find a solution to this crime. Not one on there is afraid to back down when proven wrong or something surfaces to change the line of thinking. That's called "Working Together". BC on the other hand is mostly local, ill tempered individuals that have made up their mind, (without much information, mostly hearsay), which side of the fence they are on, and nothing on earth is going to change their mind, right or wrong. Local information can be of great value to everyone if it can be conveyed in such a way as to have people believe it and not pass it off as some hotheaded revenge or personal vendetta.
All statements made are my opinion only.

Anonymous said...

Information can be obtained "off the record" fairly easily. This is small town LE we're dealing with...

Do you not pay attention, this isn't small town LE it's the State Patrol and they told me yesterday they wouldn't give any information out unless I was the lawyer of the POI.

Anonymous said...

Information can be obtained "off the record" fairly easily. This is small town LE we're dealing with...

Do you not pay attention, this isn't small town LE it's the State Patrol and they told me yesterday they wouldn't give any information out unless I was the lawyer of the POI.

Initially, this was handled by local LE. They will have SOME information. Why are you so angry? What has been actually said that isn't true. You always fail to say WHAT is being said that is untrue or false. Until you can do so your opinion is a moot point.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying i'm angry just saying that they won't give out information to just anyone. I have tried and tried with different LE and they tell me nothing and that they can't tell just anyone is what he said. Just an FYI. I'm not an angry person just following the post. I don't agree with a lot being said on here and feel it is false. I will get a list together and post what I feel is false and we can go from there.

Anonymous said...

1) Scott being locked out of the house
2) Scott sleeping in his truck
3) Scott having friends cleaning the crime sceen
4) The whole Scott and Lacy thing
5)Pretty much everything NSC is saying except the criminal record since that is public information.
6) Scotts other DUI that never did happen after the 13th of October.
7) Scott leaving the crime sceen before it was released and going to a friends.

I have confirmed these through very reliable sources and know they are truth. NSC do you have a email addres? I would like to speak with you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry wanted to restate that I know they are truth as they didn't happen.

Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

1) Scott being locked out of the house
-Speculative as story told by Scott.
2) Scott sleeping in his truck

-Also speculation as a story told by Scott.

3) Scott having friends cleaning the crime sceen

- this is not speculation as it has been stated that there WERE people there washing sheets. Not the part to be determined is if the friends knew this was a potential crime scene.

4) The whole Scott and Lacy thing

-Speculative at this point. However, a friendship is confirmed as is Lacy corresponding with Scott on this case.

5)Pretty much everything NSC is saying except the criminal record since that is public information.

- Oh yes, evil NSC, she is awful, the dating profiles were public record along with everything else she has posted otherwise stating her opinion.
6) Scotts other DUI that never did happen after the 13th of October.

-I agree this was false. However NSC did say so on WS if I am not mistaken. However, there are still reports that he was pulled over perhaps he was let off???

7) Scott leaving the crime sceen before it was released and going to a friends.
-Don't know about this one.

I have confirmed these through very reliable sources and know they are truth. NSC do you have a email addres? I would like to speak with you.

Anonymous said...

I am not the person you were originally talking to. I just would like to add some of my thoughts about the list posted. I am assuming you mean false, not truth, in your last statement. We need to be clear on that before we even start, but will go ahead anyway. I would also invite you to post your theroies or thoughts about why you think the list is false, and what could be the truth. Someone killed this woman and needs to be found.

"1) Scott being locked out of the house
2) Scott sleeping in his truck"
If you know this is false, then do you also know where he was. Where was he???

"3) Scott having friends cleaning the crime scene"
I don't recall anyone saying Scott HAD anyone clean the crime scene. One person did post she had knowledge of it being done by two males after it was released , and in one post said she was there, then in another said she was not.

"4) The whole Scott and Lacy thing"
I have no idea about that statement, your opinion is as good as anyone else's.

"5)Pretty much everything NSC is saying except the criminal record since that is public information."
I don't know how much experience you have along this line, but I am willing to bet NSC has a lot more in gathering information and knowing what to do with it than you or I. Your thoughts are welcome, but also will be scrutinized.

"6) Scotts other DUI that never did happen after the 13th of October."
It appears to be fact he was stopped, just not charged at that time. Why is anyone's guess. I do think it was later recanted on WS, as far as he being arrested.

"7) Scott leaving the crime sceen before it was released and going to a friends."
Again if I remember right, there was a post that said he went to a friends house AFTER it was released and was being cleaned. Sheets washed, thrown away, and mattress cover thrown away. Exactly where he went has never been established as fact to my knowledge.

"I have confirmed these through very reliable sources and know they are truth. NSC do you have a email addres? I would like to speak with you."
"Sorry wanted to restate that I know they are truth as they didn't happen."
What does that mean??????

Anonymous said...

What does what mean???

Anonymous said...

This statement below. What does it mean? Seems a contradiction in terms. If the statements in question are false, how can they be true if they didn't happen?? I missed the meaning there.

"Sorry wanted to restate that I know they are truth as they didn't happen."

Anonymous said...

It's true they didn't happen is what I meant sorry for the confussion. The stuff I was stating was meaning they are false reports. Hope this clears things up if not just please let me know.

Has anyone heard anything that makes a lead to solve this?

Anonymous said...

That makes a lead?

Everything written is a lead and needs to be followed up on.

Even the relationship between Scott and Lacy as it provides a potential motive. Just a thought as to why the Scott and Lacy connection is so important. That is unless Lacy says she never speaks with Scott.

Anonymous said...

Just because someone speaks with someone doesn't mean they have a connection with things. People do have friends and are intitled to have them and speak with them. I'm sure that isn't a motive, just my thought.

Anonymous said...


Law. a. Also called accessory before the fact. a person who, though not present during the commission of a felony, is guilty of having aided and abetted another, who committed the felony.
b. Also called accessory after the fact. a person who knowingly conceals or assists another who has committed a felony.

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray they shut this fucking site down and you all shake your heads for continuing to put others down. This is disgusting and disturbing you would tell someone this. Shame shame shame on all you.

Anonymous said...

There is Lacy again with her famous f bomb!!

Anonymous said...

Nope sorry wasn't her, but feel free to try again. Why are you so against her? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

To the poster of the True / False list:
Thank you for clearing up what was meant by the truth thing. Now I understand what you were saying.
There is still the question in my mind as to why you think they are all false. You are entitled to your opinion, just like anyone else, but it would be of help if you would state why these statements are false. Do you have personal information that would disprove any or all of them? If only one can be disproved, that would be one less rumor to deal with. If they all can be disproved, that would be even better. Until that happens, all we can do is throw that info in with the mix of everything else. Through the process of elimination of false info, be it on here or Law Enforcement, you eventually get to the truth. Sorry, but that's just the way it works. I hope you can understand just posting your opinion of them being false with no basis to back that up, does not do much as far as anyone believing they are, in fact, false. The only thing accomplished is to make one wonder if they are true and are trying to be covered up.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the person that posted that list but here are a couple of things about that list. Yes scott and lacey are friends and do talk. Scott has gotten a DUI since that night, not sure when, but is currently going through court for it. I think that the link to the courts website where you can look up peoples names for court activity was in a link on webslueths. I also know that he was supposed to be in court a couple of days ago but didn't show up for whatever reason. BTW he has something like 20 failure to appear charges, lol and you don't even get that charge automatically if you don't show up, usually you get a continuance first. I also know that he told people at one point that he went to the other house thinking Corrie was there and slept at the other house. So if his locked outside story is what he is going by now, then why did it change?

Anonymous said...


What is blunt force trauma?
Blunt force trauma is kind of an umbrella term. It is non-specific but sufficient enough to put on a death certificate. However, it can take many forms. Blunt force trauma is caused by a blunt object striking some part of the body. The blunt object may be a bat, wrench, hammer, floor, dashboard, etc. The typical signs of blunt force trauma include lacerated major blood vessels or aorta, lacerated or crushed organs, hematoma, crushed or severed spinal cord or fractures of the skull. Any one of these injuries is sufficient to cause death.

While automobile accidents and accidental falls represent the greatest causes of blunt force trauma, this type of injury is also present in a wide variety of homicide cases when gunshot wound is not the cause of death. Most homicides involving blunt force trauma result from the victim being struck in the head or neck with an object such as a hammer, fireplace poker, flower vase, etc. In these cases the bones of the skull or neck are fractured in one or more places by the velocity of the blow. Blunt force trauma can also occur if the victim has been severely beaten with an object or with fists. In these cases the injuries are generally to internal organs like the kidneys, liver, spleen, etc.

Blunt Force Trauma to the Brain
The brain can be damaged by trauma in two ways. When the head is struck by a hard object the cerebral cortex (gray matter) can become bruised. If the force of the blow is sufficient to cause a whiplash like circumstance then the injury can occur to the nerve cells (axonal injury) deep in the white matter of the brain. Injury of this type involves a variety of forces including the acceleration of the object and the acceleration force imparted to the brain by the object. Injury results from the direct contact between the object and the head and the greatest injury to the head occurs from the initial direct impact with the blunt object. The area of contact may be large (a baseball bat, 2x4) or small (hammer head, a paper weight) but the velocity of the impact will largely determine the extent and type of damage caused by the resulting blow.

The cranium, the complex structure of bones that encloses and protects the brain, is composed of three layers; the outer table (hard outer layer of bone), the inner table (inner layer of hard bone), and the diploe or spongy bone layer between the two.

When the blunt object comes into contact with the bones of the human skull several reactions are possible. A piece of bone may break loose from the skull and be forced into the cranium with concentric fractures forming around the break area. This bone fragment or plug as it is called often takes on the approximate shape of the object itself. Another reaction is where the object causes an inward bending of the skull resulting in crushing of the outer table and diploe with fractures radiating outwards. In this case the inner table is left untouched by the blow. A blow can also cause a situation where there is both inward and outward bending of the skull structures. In this case, the inner table as well as the outer table and diploe are all shattered. Radiating fractures spread outward from the impact site.

Weapons Characteristics
The number and type of objects that can potentially be used in a crime to inflict blunt force trauma on a victim is almost immeasurable. However, it is possible to identify certain characteristics of the resulting wound which allow a group of potential weapons to be identified. This is called a "class characteristic". A fracture showing smooth curved lines would be caused by a similar class of weapons such as a claw hammer or crow bar. Some times a weapon will leave individual marks on the bone. These marks might arise from imperfection in the manufacture of the object or marked caused by prior damage to the blunt object itself. Such marks are referred to as "individual characteristics" and can further serve to identify a particular object as the murder weapon.

Sometimes a single weapon can produce more than one type of fracture wound. For example, if the victim was hit with the flat side of a shovel blade then a large flat area of one or more fractures would be evident on the head. However, if the victim was hit with the shovel blade turned on its side the resulting wound would be a linear fracture possibly exhibiting a pattern with curvature similar to that of the shovel blade. In many cases a victim will display several occurrence of blunt force trauma. It is the job of the medical examiner and forensic investigator to determine if all the wounds were made by the same object and to try to determine which wound occurred first,

Blood Spatter in Blunt Force Trauma
As in most crime scenes blood spatter pattern analysis can provide vital evidence in determining what actually happened during the commission of the crime. Blunt trauma to most of the body may not produce significant blood spatter since most of the blunt force damage will be to internal organs. Blunt trauma to the head and neck, on the other hand, almost always results in a series of characteristic blood spatter patterns. The blood spatter is characteristic of medium velocity blood spatter resulting from an external force of greater than five feet per second (fps) but less than twenty-five fps. Blunt force trauma also produces cast-off blood spatter as blood is thrown from the weapon as it is raised and then brought down on the victim each additional time. This spatter can occur on ceilings, walls and floor depending on the force and direction of the inflicted blows. In the process the victim’s blood is also transferred to the blunt object and can usually be recovery from the weapon once it is identified.

Anonymous said...

NSC could you please provide me with your email address? That would be a great help.

Anonymous said...

I am the one who posted the what I know are false. I have reliable sources just as NSC does. From what I was told Scott never said in a report anywhere about being locked out of his home, sleeping in his truck, and no there is no
2nd DIU or failure to apear in court. Just wanted to clear this all up so we are going on the right track. I will try my best to clear all rumors up as I see them. I don't think anyone is believing much of anything on here as it just seems to go around in circles. Hope this gets solved soon so Corries family can rest and have justice.

Anonymous said...

Sure, fine, why not - you can contact me at


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your input. At least if you have info that Scott was not locked out or sleep in his truck, we still do not know where he was during that time. Another idea that floated around was he sleeping in his camper and also at the other house they were buying. Do you have any thoughts on those statements? The second DUI had been dismissed as rumor anyway as there was never a court date for it. However, there are still two charges to be dealt with on Dec 12th in Keith County Court. As far as failure to appear, we don't know if the cases were continued or he just plain didn't show. It appears to me he did, or at least his lawyer appeared at some time, to answer to one of the charges. This is the third court date so far so will see what happens. Being a pretrial for one case number and arraignment for another, makes me wonder if he entered a plea on one and is trying to plea bargain on the other. If the charges are DUI and driving under suspension, I would guess he might plead guilty to driving without a license, but fight a DUI. Hopefully the county attorney will not bargain down to first or second offence on a DUI again. He has had way too many in Nebr and Florida.
As far as the cleaning, we do know for a fact it was done. Why or who for certain is still somewhat of a mystery. Why the hurry to clean it up and get rid of the sheets?
Along that line, I do not agree with the poster about blood again. We have been over and over that, with all the people being there and noticing nothing like that, posts about closed trauma, posts about bruising, and even in your post about the internal damage causing death. It is entirely possible to die from trauma with no open wounds.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree about the blood thing, if there was blood I think the LE that was present would have noticed it and blocked of the house. I don't recall in my post anything about internal damgage causeing dealth but if I did let me know. I think if an object was used instead of a fist or hand there would have been signs of an object as they leave more signs.

Anonymous said...

Blunt trauma to most of the body may not produce significant blood spatter since most of the blunt force damage will be to internal organs. Blunt trauma to the head and neck, on the other hand, almost always results in a series of characteristic blood spatter patterns.


Anonymous said...

Ok I did not say that scott got a failure to appear. I did say that he did not show up at court for whatever reason, I do know someone that was in the courtroom that day, he was not there and his case was continued. What I did say is that he has had in the past 20 failure to appear charges, and I would say if he is arrested there should be no bail because he is a pretty bad flight risk. That is the link for the court calender. If you look both of those were previously scheduled and got continued and are now scheduled for the 15th.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I said either that he had been arrested for failure to appear, just he didn't show up for some reason.
Just to be sure, I did check and there are no active warrants out for him, in Keith county anyway. No warrant for failure to apprear. They were just continued for some reason. I did however, hit the wrong key on posting the hearing dates. I was actually looking at the court calender and hit the wrong key. Sorry about that. The correct date, as you stated is the 15th.

Anonymous said...

My feeling is still there was no blood at the scene. Blunt force trauma does not mean death in every instance. We do not know what actually killed her, as in internal bleeding, brain injury, even the fact that someone's heart can stop by a blow to the chest. All of these can come from Blunt Force Trauma, and until what actually killed her is made public, all we know is Blunt Force Trauma to head and body, not the actually fatal injuries that were caused by it.

Anonymous said...

So I went to a local convient store yesterday in Grant and right there for everyone to see is a sign that reads Scott Petro Not allowed in the store. WHY is THIS? Any Ideas?

Anonymous said...

Well I am in both stores everyday and I saw NOTHING like that, why would you say that when you know it's not true? This town and the people that own the stores wouldn't do something like that, if they didn't want him in there they would tell him not put it on the door as a possibility to lose business. Just wondering where did you see this becuase I sure didn't.

Anonymous said...

It was at the counter as I went to check out at kwik stop. I found it odd to be there so maybe it wasn't for all to see however I saw it and was curious as to why they would not let him in. Was he causing trouble or is someone causing trouble for him that shouldn't be. It was just a question. I have nothing against him, I don't even think he done the crime he is being accused of doing. I have my own ideas as to what happened but like I said they are just ideas, and we don't need any more rumors floating out there.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree and this is just another rumor, there was no sign posted there. Lets stop with all this and I'm glad to hear you don't think it was him.

Anonymous said...

Hold on a min though... Did a poster that posts here....did you see this sign with your VERY own eyes?? Or was it told you by someone else?? I think we need to follow through on the rumors to determine if they are rumors or not before we just discount them.

Also, I have been a big advocate that Scott is the one who did this. However, I do think the Red and Loomis theory also needs to be looked at more closely. I do know they both have questionable histories themselves. Any insight from anyone would be apprecited!

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Red and Loomis need looked at. From what I hear her story is changed from day to day and the LE is on to them big time. Once again this is just what I hear and am starting to believe it since he (loomis) failed his LD test. Has anyone heard about the grandma maxs story with Red?

Anonymous said...

No,Tell us more

Anonymous said...

The story about grandma maxs. Red left corrie at her house at 2:15, went and picked up some friends in grant,drove to big springs to the grandma maxs an 80 mile round trip from grant, take about 20 minutes to get your food, another 20-30 minutes to eat and back to grant to drop friends off then back home to venango. Kent states that red got back home about 3:30. If you stop and think about it that is only an hour and 15 minutes from 2:15 to 3:30 which isn't possible for that to happen all the way from picking up friends, the drive, eating, droping them off and then home. Something isn't right. Any other ideas on this?

Anonymous said...

I did see the sign there myself. If it is no longer there thats great, I haven't been back in. I was just wondering why it was there to begin with.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't believe Scott it talking to them but not real for sure I would say no, and yes Loomis is a very tall and large man with a temper. Loomis is Kent Walters and red is Melissa Dutton.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone give me a logical explanation (other than they had a fight) for Scott not leaving the bar with Corrie at the same time and driving home together on a night out to celebrate her b-day?

Anonymous said...

New Search County Court:
Select a County Perkins
Search by Last Name
Search For:
Petro,Scott,R. 08/16/1970 12/17/2008 9:00AM 01 Arraignment State v. Scott R Petro CR080000087

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I wonder what this arraignment in Perkins County is for?

So there is now:

Dec 15th - Keith County: Arraignment; Pretrial Hearing

Dec 17th - Perkins County: Arraignment

Anonymous said...

Courtesy of the Grant Tribune Sentinel

Resisting arrest leads to fine and jail
By Jan Goff
Managing Editor
Michael D. Wendell, 29, was sentenced in Perkins County Court on Wednesday, Dec. 3, for resisting arrest, a Class I Misdemeanor, on the night of Oct. 11, during a domestic dispute in Grant.
Wendell was sentenced by Judge Edward D. Steenburg to pay a fine of $500 plus costs, and serve two weekends in jail as the result of the incident occurring in the 800 block of Sherman Avenue.
Wendell was also sentenced to one year of probation. Judge Steenburg instructed him to avoid alcohol and he must complete an anger management class.
Judge Steenburg instructed Wendell to write a letter of apology to each law enforcement officer who responded to the disturbance. Steenburg said the dangerous situation involving other victims and law enforcement warranted the apology.
Because Wendell’s actions were an isolated incident, seven other charges filed against him for the same domestic dispute were dismissed at a preliminary hearing held on Nov. 5.
Wendell originally faced charges of disturbing the peace, third degree assault, domestic assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, and strangulation.
Jail time will be served the weekends of Jan. 2 and Jan. 9, 2009 in Keith County.
Leading the prosecution for the state of Nebraska was Perkins County Attorney Richard H. Roberts.
Wendell was represented by attorney Felicia Fair of Ogallala.

Anonymous said...

Who posted the Michael D. Wendell article on here? What in the world does it have to do with anything? The man saw his wife with another man and flipped out,i think most guys would have.

Anonymous said...

Sure has been very quiet around here lately. Has anyone heard anything?

Anonymous said...

Mike and Heather had an open relationship. And regardless of the circumstances, throwing her down the stairs and breaking her legs isn't acceptable.

Heather and the man she was with (supposedly Matt Beard) both said that Mike had never been abusive before and the charges were dropped (not to mention having money probably helped).

I didn't post the article about Mike, but I do just have to say that even if Scott had never once been abusive towards Corrie until the night she died, it's still possible to have that much hatred and strength to harm someone you love. Mike proved that. Heather's just lucky she lived through it; Corrie wasn't that lucky.

Anonymous said...

Just a little FYI they were in a garage and no she wan't pushed or thrown down any stairs. Just wanted to make this one straight.

Anonymous said...

Published Tuesday December 16, 2008
Grant frustrated by unsolved beating death

The unsolved beating death of a 28-year-old woman in southwestern Nebraska continues to frustrate family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Why if Melissa stated that she took a LD test to the media why didn't she state to them she passed it since she is telling other people around town? Maybe she didn't pass it since it would have been false information to the media. Yes oh yes if Corrie was in that bad of shape and just needed a bed as red says why was she so worried about going home (to reds house) to get a sweater??????? Something isn't right here and I don't by the story time line about the resurant, it's impossible to do all that in a small amount of travel time. I think things are starting to point in a different and right direction.

Anonymous said...

Red left a comment on Corries myspace page and it makes me sick after everything that I have been hearing that points to them. Stuff like that needs to be off there and deleted as a friend. Corrie wouldn't want that if they are responsable for her death

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion, but I think the more important questions are:

1) Corrie asked Melissa to drive her home and Scott stayed at the Cactus. Why didn't Scott drive Corrie home to the house they lived in together?

2) Why hasn't Scott spoken to Nebraska State Patrol?

To me, his priorities are pretty clear. Self preservation.

Anonymous said...

I think that's a cover up for the SP? If they want to talk to someone about a murder they can get them to talk with a court orders or arrest them, it's not like you can't say "i'm not telling you" and the SP just up and walk away. They can get a person to talk one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Actually, people have the right to remain silent, even after being arrested. And NSP are not going to arrest unless they think they have enough evidence to get a conviction for this murder.

My question is, why is Scott not willing to speak to law enforcement if he is innocent and justice for Corrie is his priority?

Any thoughts on my question about why Scott didn't drive Corrie home?

Anonymous said...

What I heard from the bar people no one even knew Corrie left. Scott was still there and too didn't know she even left. Just what I was told from people in Venango.

Anonymous said...

In case anyone cares, the note about Scott is still posted at Kwikstop. I saw it this morning when I stopped in on my way to work.

Anonymous said...

What is this note posted at Kwikstop??? Care to fill me in?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.

I believe it is a sign at the counter that says "Scott Petro not allowed in the store."

Anonymous said...

From what I hear the rude lady needs a lesson in customer service. Screw them I wont go there either.

Anonymous said...

So the note at Kwikstop is on the counter and it says "Scott Petro not allowed in the store"? This is the Kwikstop in Grant or Imperial?

Anonymous said...

Ok so about the article. Red said they went to get a sweater, that is just her excuse instead of saying the real truth. Anyone who really knew their friendship knows that they really went to smoke. If you have ever drank with corrie then you know that the puking and all the help to get into the house crap is BS. Corrie could and would drink way more than anyone and still be able to function just fine. Here is the last point, Scott says that he is not a troublemaker anymore, well he is in court right now in Keith county on two charges, one a DUI and the other is terroristic threats and intimidation by phone. Hmm doesn't sound like you are not a troublemaker anymore. He has had 2court dates in keith county for those charges and hasn't showed up to either one. I believe that he did show up to court in grant for whatever the charges are ther because I just checked and his next court date in perkins county is january 7th and is is showing as a Pretrial Hearing now. Lets see if he shows up in Kieth county on the 22nd. This guy is, always has been and always will be a troublemaker, either way if he did kill corrie or not he is no good to society and should be locked up. Hopefully they stick all of these charges to their fullest and no bargaining down.

Anonymous said...

It's at the Kwikstop in Grant. To be more accurate, the note is right in front of the register where the drawer pops open. It's big enough to see without having to lean over or anything, and I have pretty shitty eyesight and was able to read it plain as day.

It just says "Scott Petro not allowed in store." Not reason why, just that. *shrug* I thought about asking the lady working about it because it was early enough to be completely dead in there, but I figured I would look incredibly nosey.

Anonymous said...

So let's say Scott didn't know Corrie left the bar. When he realized she wasn't there anymore, he must have been very worried or pissed off. The next logical step would have been that he called her cell. Did he call her to find out where she was? Did he call Melissa? Was he pissed off? Melissa and Corrie drove back to the bar from Melissa's house and Scott was gone - where did he go?

Anonymous said...

Yes I fully agree with you about the article. Corrie knew how to drink and drink a lot and hold it better than anyone. Excuse is right about the sweater, I will never believe that's why they went there or even if they did. Reds story has changed so much from what I hear it's day after day that it changes. Why would you have to change a story so much if you didn't do anything wrong? That to me is odd. The grandma maxs story doesn't even make sense to me, there is no way all that could happen in that short of time. HMMMMM something smells funny about that, I wonder if she can show proof of purchase there for the meal and receipts usually tell times on them. That would be nice to know. I noticed nothing about Kent in the article and that seems like he to is hidding from the media like he has something to hide. Has anyone tried to contact the writer and ask him?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Melissa didn't say anything about the dogs that she let out or that Corrie tripped over the dogs and hit her head on a table, or maybe it wasn't true about her hitting her head on a table over tripping over a dog? I bet if we look over all the media articles that Melissa had talked in I bet there will be a difference in story somewhere, if not there will be in a next story. Notice how something NEW comes out that she says in every article.

Anonymous said...

It's been 3 months since Corrie was murdered. Her killer thinks he can lay low, work the system and not be accountable like many other times in his life.

I think he's nothing but a punk.

Anonymous said...

Why did Scott kill Corrie?

Scott got pissed off at Corrie for something - maybe something that wouldn't be that big a deal to most of us. Maybe she defied him and he didn't like it because in his mind, he likes to be "the boss." Add alcohol to the mix and there you go.

While most of us would not physically harm another person when angry, Scott's lifetime behavior of rage and assaults are a clear indicator he does not control himself.

It's not acceptable and he needs to be held accountable for his actions.

Of course, this is all my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The case below now comes up with a search on Perkins County Court, Petro. It doesn't have Scott's DOB so not 100% sure this is him. Does anyone know what "SC Trial" would be? The only thing I could think of was Supreme Court (court of last resort) but not sure.

Name: Petro, Scott
Court Date: 01/21/2009
Hearing Type: SC Trial
Caption: Brent Thelander v. Scott Petro
Case ID: SC080000010

Anonymous said...

The only thing I came up with on SC Trial, is right to speedy trial. What it is all about, I have no idea. Anybody have any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Just looked again and wonder if it's Small claims Trial.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That may be it.

Small Claims Court

Small claims court provides a prompt and inexpensive way to resolve minor disputes. Legal procedures are held to a minimum and lawyers may not participate. Small claims court is a division of county court and the hearings are conducted by a county judge. Small claims court is limited to civil (non-criminal) actions involving disputes over amounts of money owed, damage to property, or seeking the return of personal property.

Judgments in small claims court may not exceed $2,700.

Anonymous said...

Scott had two case ID's scheduled in Keith County Court today:

Case ID #CR080000993 Continuance (previously Pretrial Hearing) and Case ID #CR080001001 Arraignment.

Now I see the calendar shows a Trial on 02/02/2009 for Case ID #CR080000993.

I assume this trial isn't for the Oct DUI since he admitted to the DUI on this blog. I just hate seeing taxpayer money wasted by someone trying to work the system.

Anonymous said...

It is the same Scott he is the only one around here. It is not a Small claims court, the first court date was for araignment, only criminal court has araignments. Also small claims court is settled in one court apearance. About the sign at kwik stop, it is there I have also seen it. I wouldn't be surprised if all of this has to do with a protection order, the sign and the court because he has a couple of those against him here in grant. Bottom line this is not a guy that you want to trust or be around.

Anonymous said...

Oh maybee the SC court one is small claims but if you didn't notice there is also a pretrial hearing for the criminal charge, that was the one I knew couldn't be small claims and could be for a protection order. Pretrial on jan 7th and SC on jan 21st. The interesting thing is with his record to not show up for court, if you do this in Small claims they automatically issue a default judgment to the person who filed against you.

Anonymous said...

I believe SC means small claims, and for everyone to know there have been several newspaper articles stating that scott is on probation. When you get out of PRISON you get Parole not probation. They are not at all alike, with Parole no one is checking up on you. That is why his being at the bar drinking was not a violation.

Anonymous said...

Then what do we pay PAROLE OFFICERS for if you do not have to check in and be kept track of. I'm willing to bet there are some stipulations to Parole as well. Why else would you be put on Parole?

Anonymous said...

Look up Parole Violations and this is what you will find. Don't believe no one is checking up on you.

What violations would cause the revocation of my parole?

Conditions of parole are set at the time a prisoner is released from state prison. The prisoner has to sign agreement to those conditions. Some conditions are standard:

regular reporting to the Parole Officer (P.O.);
keeping him advised of any intention to change residence address;
providing notice of change in employment within 72 hours;
reporting any new arrest;
not associating with other felons;
restricting travel away from home with either time or distance thresholds; and
no possessing of weapons.
Other conditions specific to the crime for which the parolee was convicted can include:

staying a certain distance from schools or playgrounds (for sex criminals);
random drug testing;
not associating with gang members;
psychiatric treatment;
abstaining from the use of alcohol or drugs;
no contact with a domestic violence victim;
sex offender registration; and
wearing a GPS monitor.

Anonymous said...

I have also heard from several other people that Corrie tripped over the fence at the Cactus and hit her head and that she and Red laid there on the ground and giggled about it like drunk girls do.
This was posted on WS. I don't think this is possible. I go there a lot and there isn't a single fence there that a person could trip over, they are all way to tall to TRIP over. May walk into it but not trip over it. This is another story to cover up for the head injuries. JMO

Anonymous said...

OK so where is the nearest parole office? I'm sure he doesn't get much checking up on. I mean cmon the guy has gotten how many duis and has only been prosecuted to a second offense. He knows how to get away with crap.

Anonymous said...

“I am not a troublemaker anymore."

Nebraska District Court
Case No. 8:04CR538
Court Date: 10/24/2008
Next Court Date: 1/16/2009

·United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Scott Petro, Defendant
·Nebraska District Court, Joseph F. Bataillon United States District Judge
·Public Defender David Stickman entered denials on all allegations on behalf of the defendant
·The final disposition hearing is this matter is continued
·Final disposition hearing is scheduled at Roman L. Hruska U.S. Courthouse, Omaha, NE on Jan 16, 2009
·The defendant is released on the same terms and conditions as previously imposed with additional conditions: 1) The defendant is ordered to enroll and participate in outpatient therapy within the next seven to ten days and 2) The defendant shall have no contact with ____ and _____.

Perkins County Court
Case ID: CR080000087
Next Court Date: 01/07/2009 – Pretrial Hearing
Petro,Scott, R.

Perkins County Court
Case ID: SC080000010
Court Date: 01/21/2009 – SC Trial
Name: Petro, Scott
Caption: Brent Thelander v. Scott Petro

Keith County Court
Case ID: CR080001001
Court Date: 12/22/2008 - Arraignment
Petro,Scott, R.

Keith County Court
Case ID: CR080000993
Next Court Date: 02/02/2009 – Trial
Petro,Scott, R.

Anonymous said...

Trip over, fall over, whatever. The point was that a few people are saying that Corrie somehow went over the fence and laid there giggling about it.

And that is possible. That fence isn't that tall.

Anonymous said...

Love you Corrie! I'm still thinking about you all the time! I know that you are up above watching over all of us. I can just picture you sitting up there in a lawn chair with your sun glasses on with a big smile on your face and I can hear your giggle in my head as you sit there and watch down on us. Don't think that we are forgetting about you because that isn't going to happen. You are too special of a person to forget about. Rest In Peace my dear!! Love you and miss you always!!

Anonymous said...

WOW nothing new on here for a couple of days? What did all of you who aren't from here and are just bored get tired of posting on here?

Anonymous said...

I just think everything to be said has been said and nothing new has come about. I think it's just a round about circle of the same things. If anything new has come about please speak.

Anonymous said...

Corrie you have not been forgot!!! I plan on putting my time back into this 100% - I have been traveling so it has made it difficult to focus on the case! God Bless ~NSC

Anonymous said...

I'm still here too. I'm just waiting for an arrest.

Buttercup said...

Has anyone heard anything new about why Kwik Stop is displaying a sign that says Scott Petro is not allowed in thier store?
I was told that he was in there late one night, very intoxicated and making many threats to the manager. I was also told that they were pressing charges.
Can anybody verify this info?

Anonymous said...

It's not being displayed and if you call they will tell you nothing. I don't know what happened but I don't think it has anything to do with what happened to Corrie so I think we just need to leave it alone and just focus on Corrie. JMO

Anonymous said...

Leave it alone? Ain't gonna happen. It does have something to do with Corrie. It's another possible example of Scott being a raging ticking time bomb. Get this guy off of the streets already.

Anonymous said...

I agree...the man need to GO!! TO JAIL!!! He is a murderer and it is only a matter of time. May not have one wink of sleep Scott Petro!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow it's been so quiet around here latley and now that there is talk again it's all negative. I think the only reason there is talk on here is because you just want to say SOMETHING to get a rise out of people again and to say " hey I talked on here" If you don't have anything nice to say (or true for that fact) don't say it, didn't your mother teach you that:)

Anonymous said...

Don't anyone for a second think that this thing is over and you are safe. You are not safe if you live near or have interaction with Scott P.
Scott, the law will hunt you down and do justice if your mind doesn't do it first...


Anonymous said...

"If you don't have anything nice to say (or true for that fact) don't say it, didn't your mother teach you that:)"

Get real and use some common sense. We just need LE to get the evidence to arrest and convict. Corrie deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Hot off the press.....1-9-09edition of the Imperial Republican...Old story, but a little new info...

Editor’s note: The story below was written following the writer’s visit to Perkins County. The story appeared in the Omaha World Herald on Dec. 16, 2008 and is reprinted here with permission. The slaying of Corrie Wood, 28, formerly of Imperial, is still unsolved.
By John Ferak
Staff Writer, Omaha World Herald
The unsolved beating death of a 28-year-old woman in southwestern Nebraska continues to frustrate family and friends.
With each passing week since Corrie Wood was found dead Sept. 20, the community loses faith that the person responsible will be arrested, said Doug Tatum, owner of the Barber Pole in Grant, Neb., a town of 1,220 that is five hours from Omaha.
Wood’s boyfriend, Scott Petro, contacted authorities after he found her unresponsive in their bedroom. The night before, Wood, Petro and a few other friends met for drinks at a bar in a neighboring town. An autopsy later determined that she had been beaten to death. No arrests have been made.
“Questions are being asked, but answers are not being found, “ Tatum said. “You remain hopeful that today will be the day with the big break. It needs to be resolved.”
Perkins County Sheriff Jim Brueggeman said it may be three to six months before an arrest is possible.
The case­—the first homicide investigated in Perkins County in 22 years—has raised questions about whether the local authorities in the city of Grant and Perkins County hindered the investigation by not securing the crime scene until the autopsy was completed.
It wasn’t until the third day that local authorities realized that the Grant woman was a homicide victim, prompting them to contact the Nebraska State Patrol for help in the investigation.
State Patrol Capt. Mark Funkhouser said that because local officials waited to enlist their help, investigators were forced to “play catch-up.” Most rural communities, he said, seek immediate help from the state in death investigations in which the cause is unknown.
“This was a case they didn’t recognize as a homicide, “ Funkhouser said. “In this case, the sheriff thought this was a natural death or accidental death.”
But he said “it’s not the norm” when a young woman who appears to be in good health is found dead in her bedroom.
Questions surrounding Wood’s homicide come several months after The World Herald’s series Fatal Flaws, which revealed that autopsy rates, the amount of training and the quality of investigation vary from county to county because the state sets few standards and offers no oversight.
In Grant, rescue workers and local authorities who found Wood dead in her one-story house did not suspect foul play initially, said Brueggeman, one of the first officers on the scene.
At first, officials theorized that Wood died from excessive drinking, the sheriff said.
“This was not a case with an obvious smoking gun,” he said.
On the evening of Sept. 19, a group gathered at a Venango, Neb., bar to celebrate Wood’s coming 29th birthday. One of the friends, Melissa “Red” Dutton, said Wood vomited several times outside the bar after consuming too much alcohol.
About 1:15 a.m., Wood asked Dutton to give her a ride home.
“Our understanding is that Scott Petro remained at the bar,” the sheriff said.
Both women stopped briefly at Dutton’s house in Venango to retrieve a sweater. They returned briefly to the bar to locate Petro, but he had already left. During the 18-mile drive to Grant, Wood passed out in the passenger seat. Dutton said she had to wake her up when they pulled into Wood’s driveway.
Wood staggered up to her house with Dutton’s help. Wood crawled on top of the bed and passed out. She was wearing blue jeans and a white tank top. Dutton estimated that she left around 2:10 a.m. to meet some friends at a restaurant in Big Springs, Neb.
“When I left, Corrie was completely fine, so I figured everything was OK, “ Dutton said.
At 9:53 a.m. the next day, Sept. 20, Petro called 911 from the house he shared with Wood and reported finding her unresponsive after he woke up. An ambulance crew found Wood dead.
The sheriff and his deputies collected evidence and interviewed Petro and others. A local doctor examined the body. Perkins County Attorney Rick Roberts, acting as the coroner, ordered an autopsy. Several hours later, the house was released to Petro, and authorities left.
On Sept. 22, the autopsy results came back, indicating that Wood died of blows to her head and body.
The sheriff said he does not believe that releasing the house hindered the death investigation. He said authorities did not have enough evidence on Sept. 20 to continue securing the house.
When the autopsy results came back, the scene was secured again, he said.
“Absolutely, I was surprised,” the sheriff said of the autopsy results. “The scene did not present itself as being a homicide. There was not a person there that had suspicions this was a homicide at the time. In fact, it was far from it.”
At that point, Perkins County called for help from the State Patrol, which dispatched a team of investigators from North Platte, along with the mobile crime scene trailer, to search the house for clues.
In the following days, authorities served six search warrants around Grant to collect evidence, which is being analyzed at the State Patrol crime lab in Lincoln.
Petro has not been interviewed by the State Patrol, on the advice of his attorney. A court order required him to submit DNA and hair samples.
Dutton, the friend, said she submitted to a lie-detector test by State Patrol investigators and allowed them to impound her vehicle for forensics tests in September.
In an interview with the World-Herald, Petro said that he is not responsible for his girlfriend’s death. Petro and Wood had dated for the past two years and co-owned a small construction business in Grant.
“I am not involved in Corrie’s death,” Petro said. “I am not an angel, but I am not a troublemaker anymore.”
Petro, 38, has been on supervised probation since being released from federal prison in August 2006 for being a felon in possession of a firearm, after being earlier convicted of felony theft by deception.
On the advice of his lawyer, Petro said he would not discuss the time before his call to 911 on Sept. 20. Petro said he’s well aware that he remains a suspect in his girlfriend’s death.
“I knew I had to get a lawyer because they were looking very serious at me, “ Petro said. “It is such a shock, and it upset me and blew me away that they were looking at me.”
Wood was a native of Imperial, Neb., where her family owned a farm equipment dealership. She graduated from Chase County High School in Imperial in 1998. She had recently worked for an optometrist.
Wood, who was divorced, left behind a 4-year-old daughter, who lives with her biological father in Venango.
Lt. Lynn Williams, a State Patrol investigator in North Platte, has taken over the investigation from the Perkins County Sheriff’s Office. He said the crime lab analysis on numerous items seized during the searches is critical to the case.
“This is not yet a cold case,” Williams said. “It remains a top priority for us.”
For now, Wood’s family continues to maintain faith that the State Patrol will gather sufficient evidence to make an arrest.
“The family is very disappointed that the investigation has not yet brought anyone to justice,” said Jarrod Nielson, Corrie Wood’s brother-in-law. “But we were warned by law enforcement at the very beginning that this could take a long time.”
Can you help?
The Nebraska State Patrol is offering up to $1,000 for information about the slaying of Corrie Wood of Grant, Neb. The patrol wants to hear from anyone who saw Wood on Sept. 19.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the statewide Crime Stoppers at

Anonymous said...

What is the new info? I don't see anything different.

Anonymous said...

i don't understand if you wher such good friends with corrie and scott why would the first hing you think of is washing sheets and cleaning the house? that to me is just hidding things i hope every night you lie awake in so much pain that you can not sleep or function with you'r day without looking behind you'r back all of you that had something to do with this will pay and i hope soon.
i know matt from when he lived in paxton the guy is a loose cannon just like scott. does not surprise me that scott would involve matt.

and correct me if iam worng but if you are s supect in a murder isnt it against the law to refuse a lie test.And did or did not loomis fail a lie test and have some of his dna found on corrie? set me straight please.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand some of Loomis DNA WAS found and yes he did fail the test. Just again this is what I had heard. As the sherrif stated they house wasn't hindered in anyway, that was stated in the article. I strongly believe it wasn't becuase the talk around town is the crime didn't happen there. I hope and pray this gets solved soon for family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that it matters much what happened to the house after she was found. The police were called at around 10 AM and I haven't seen a time of death yet, but I would guess it was in the wee hours of the morning, that gives Scott, "who I really believe did it" hours to clean the place before the police got there. I just think he didn't notice the blood until after she was moved. And loomis having his DNA there possibly doesn't mean much, that could be from a beer bottle or a joint or something, those three were smoking buddies. Whoever posted this about loomis just wants to draw attention from Scott, I have an idea of who it was posting, and I still hold to my point that nobody honestly knows who passed and failed lie detector tests, why would that be released before an arrest is made. For those of you getting impatient, remember what the sherrif said about being confident an arrest will be made, but it could be 3 to 6 months. That was only 1 month ago that he said that. Hopefully they are just continuing to gather evidence to build a strong case. I hope that SP gets the maximum jail time for each of his charges so they can arrest him easily for his FIRST DEGREE MURDER charges when they have their evidence.

Anonymous said...

yes you are right it does not matter about the house. i do think that matt beard and scott are hidding alot more then we can come up with. and what i would like to know is how can you two guys and you'r wife walk around this town and not have any worries no cares about the life you have taken? what did that poor young lady do that was soooo bad that you had to take her away. and yet you call that love and friendship? all three of you are parents how would you like to be taken away from you'r kids. oh but scott and matt you don't care you both walked away from you'r child and children. how you both got custody still amazes me. but the drugs and the beer talk louder then the family doesn't it!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm a little lost how did Matt walk away from his children I understand how Scott did and I don't feel that was right but as far as I know Matt is still with his children? Could you help clear that up? I also assume from what I know the SP or the PCSO have no reason to talk to Matt and still haven't even tried to contact him so I think that means they don't think he did anything to hurt the investigation or have anything to do with this. As far as the LD test they can and will tell the people being tested the results after the test. I have done some research on this and contacted some people that would know the answer and they told me the person taking the test they can be told after the test is done. I'm not saying I know who did this and I hope and pray they get put away for good but why put inocent people and their families down when they (i believe) don't have anything to do with this. I think they were caught in the middle and didn't know what was going on at that time. I just pray very hard that it comes to an end real soon and that 3-6 months is right and 1 month has already passes as the last poster stated. Let's all keep our heads up and be positive this is in the right hands of the people that will solve this any day.

Anonymous said...

So...a couple of posts ago it was stated that the crime scene was not likely at the home of Scott and Corrie...Can you tell more? This leads me to believe that after Red dropped Corrie off that someone or that more than one did something to Corrie's body. Like remove it from the scene. That's what you lead to believe. You claim that is what the buzz in town is about. If so...let others know what the buzz is...we don't all live in Grant but do care about Corrie and justice for her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Scott is an idiota, a fesso.

Scott, tell us how your hearing went at court Friday? How is your therapy going?

That's ok if you'd rather not say. We have access to the public records and it will be posted soon enough for all to see.

Justice for Corrie.

Anonymous said...

Scott, do you think you could find the time this week to speak to the Nebraska State Patrol about Corrie's murder?

Why haven't you spoken to them yet?

Anonymous said...


On November 6th you posted:

"i have nothing to hide and have cooperated."

That seems to conflict with this from Dec 16th article:

"Petro has not been interviewed by the State Patrol, on the advice of his attorney."

Care to explain?

Anonymous said...

Corrie life is not the same without you. We miss you so much. There is a saying that says that someone will never die if they live in the hearts of loved one. I believe this is true. You will always live in my heart and i miss you so much. I know ill see you again someday and hopefully there will be justice forever did this to you. i will not rest til that day come. Love you always Corrie Wood. Everyday i wake up i miss your smile. I will never forget that or you. I will never forget the good tim,es at the lake.

Anonymous said...

He won’t talk to NSP, huh? Yet we’re supposed to believe he wants justice for Corrie? He won’t talk to NSP because he knows his lame a** story won’t hold up under questioning. My guess is cell phone records, cell phone pings, and possibly other more credible statements conflict with his story. He’s never taken responsibility for his other actions, why would he start now?

It’s his right not to talk. But we, the law-abiding citizens, have rights too. Until he talks and cooperates with NSP, we can choose not to enable this criminal, we can choose not to do business with this criminal, we can make sure our children aren’t exposed to this criminal, and we can warn women not to date this criminal.

Anonymous said...

We are forming a facebook group in honor of Corrie and informing the public of who Scott Petro is.....a liability to society. Please stay tuned for updates!!!

Anonymous said...

You must be a real low life to form your life around putting other people down. Is that all you have to do in your life? Sure sounds like you need to get one. If you going to make one in memory of Corrie do it for Corrie in a good way. Yes Corrie didn't ask for this and but she wouldn't want all this fighing and putting people down either. Think about what you are doing. Corrie has a myspace for this, your just upset you don't have controll over her myspace to make others misserable. I hope you think about what your really doing as no one has been found guilty of this yet. You must not be from around here as you must not have heard the news yet so maybe you should shut your mouth until you know the truth. Good luck to you and I hope and pray you can become a better person someday.

Anonymous said...

What news?

Anonymous said...

Yeah what news? And in case you didn't know Scott is a peice of crap and yes people should be aware of it. Hmm I have a suspicion on who that poster was, scott only has a couple of friends. His criminal record speaks for itself. Oh and by the way he is guilty.

Anonymous said...

Wow I haven't been on here for a while and look what happens. Just wondering but how is Scott guilty? Has something come out that you can prove it and I just missed it? I have always been the type to agree with innocent until proven guilty. Please help me on this one.

Anonymous said...

Ok so I don't like how this is going. NOTHING is happening and Corrie deserves justice. What can we do? Do we need to get the media involved again, call the SP and put pressure on them to not drop this or what? I am up for any suggestion. I just want to see the person or persons responsable to get put behind bars.

Anonymous said...

How is Americas most wanted going to help? IF you know something report it to the NSP. Some think they know who did it and some think someone else did it so how can you report a tip with just your opionion? As I look back on both web sites there is no proof or facts just a lot of opionions and that will get us no where without proof.

Anonymous said...

If you are a crime victim or someone who knows about an injustice or case that needs a spotlight, call "Nancy Grace" at 1-888-GRACE-01 or go on Nancy Grace offical website and email her.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "how is America's Most Wanted going to help?" Isn't it self explanitory?? You sound as though you don't want Corrie's story to go public?? And, "if you know anything report it to NSP"...WHY so it doesn't get anywhere? NSP has been on this case for how long and NOTHING is happening, that means it is time to move along to something bigger and better, something to get Corrie some justice...AMERICA'S MOST WANTED!!! I find it hard to even talk about this anymore because it just makes me f'ing sick to my stomach that this has still not been solved and that Corrie or Kyleigh have no justice and that the peice of trash that is responsible is still walking around!! NSP needs so help with this case because they OBVIOUSLY are NOT getting anywhere with this!! ***PUKE***

Anonymous said...

Yes that piece of crap is still walking around but nobody knows who did this and if you do as you say you do then come out and speak and say it so we can get justice for everyone. Until then if you don't the the FACTS keep your mouth shut cause that's whats keeping this from going no where. IF you have facts then post them (with the resources) and damn good resources and maybe this will get solved.

Anonymous said...

Seems all we have is hearsay and opinions. Some are so sure who is responsible for this horrid crime, but fail to provide proof. If you have positive proof of where whoever was, what they did, and with who, then speak up. I don't mean "Suzy" or "Harry" told me, I mean "I was there, saw this or that, personally know this or that, and will testify to that fact." If "Suzy" or "Harry" ran their mouth at some point and you feel it might be in the best interest of the case, no matter how trivial, let LE know and they will take care of it. That is the one and only way, along with forensic evidence this is ever going to be solved. Coffee shop gossip, personal opinion, and imagination is doing nothing to find the person or persons responsible. If there is someone out there that is withholding evidence trying to "protect" someone, I certainly hope your day will come. You are just as guilty as the person who physically committed this crime. We don't know what LE has or why it seems to be taking so long. It is human nature to set back and complain when we know nothing about what is actually taking place. Because of the era we live in, it is all too easy for the guilty to go free on some technicality. LE must be very careful how they prepare a case. I'm sure no one wants an arrest, only to go to trial and be thrown out because someone forgot to dot an i.

Anonymous said...

Very well put last poster!!! Kudos to you. I can't agree more and I have a feeling NO ONE will come out with positive proof or facts, just seems this is how it works and no one wants to talk or share to get this solved. I hope and pray any day now there will be justice. Love you and miss you Corrie and think about you all the time.

Anonymous said...

What do these creeps have in common?

1. Scott Petro: "I am not involved in Corrie's death," Petro said. "I am not an angel, but I am not a troublemaker anymore."

2. Scott Peterson: "I am not guilty." "I had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance."

3. Drew Peterson: "I can look right in your eye and say I had nothing to do with either of those instances."

4. O.J. Simpson: "Absolutely, 100% not guilty."

Anonymous said...

Very well put. It seems as though all the guilty ones always say they are not. Lying and murdering go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

Ok people what can we do to get this going. This needs to go more public ASAP. Let's throw out some ideas to get the media or tv involved. You all keep saying there is a mass email going out but I have never seen that or anything. Let's do something to get her justice.

Anonymous said...

Suggest everyone take a few minutes and send a comment/request to cover Corrie's story to both Jane Velez-Mitchell and Nancy Grace (CNN HLN) at links below.

7 p.m. ET weekdays
Jane Velez-Mitchell takes a stand on the ISSUES -- issues of the day and issues from across the country. From regular workers caught up in the economic storm to crime victims ignored by the mainstream media, Jane stands up for the powerless, and speaks for those who don't have a voice. Tune in weekdays at 7 p.m. ET.

Send a request to Velez-Mitchell to cover Corrie's story here:

Send a request to Nancy Grace here:

Anonymous said...

Yes this is crazy! What kind of local press would be scared to report on a person, come on GRANT, NEBRASKA! Wake up and get this sh*t taken care of! Seriously, I am more worried about the life taken than the POS Bastard that is still roaming around thinking his is all free and clear because no one wants to do anything to him! I can't wait till they finally put this SON OF A BITCH away for good, they at least need to get him on something else so that he is put away so that people can stop fearing him and come out with what needs to be come out with. Corrie was one of the biggest fighters I knew, meaning she would never back down to anything she stood for no matter who or what was in the way, but then no one can be strong like her to stand up to this miserable son of a bitch and get some justice!!!

Anonymous said...

Heck yes last poster. Except for the harping on the local media. They do print court activity it is just in a small section and isn't really a story. They put what charges and who it was in the sherrifs or the court report. It is how all of the local papers around here do it, and besides him being a murderer, it isn't proven (although it is obvious) so some guy getting a dui or terroristic threats isn't much of a story. If they make it a story on his charges then they would have to make it a story for all of those charges. Now here is an idea for you. Gather up all of the factual evidence that you can, type it in a nice letter and send it to the north platte telegraph. From my own experiance they don't shy away from printing a well written letter. Don't be overly biased and make it seem like an attack. You can find their email address online, and if you really want to, send it to KNOP TV to.

Anonymous said...

We all know who did this horrid crime. How can you sleep at nite know you murdered a 4 yr olds mother? Kyleigh now lives with no mother....This town needs to stand up to you once and for all!!! You cant get away with this!

Anonymous said...

It's been very quiet around here lately! I hope that something new will come around very soon! It is so very hard to be patient for this long but I know that patients will pay off in the end! They will get him!!!

Anonymous said...

Perkins Co. Sheriff dispels rumor of arrest in Wood murder case
By Jan Goff
The Grant Tribune-Sentinel
There has not yet been an arrest, nor is an arrest imminent in the Corrie Wood murder case, despite rumors to the contrary.
According to Perkins County Sheriff Jim Brueggeman, the case is still very actively being worked by investigators of the Nebraska State Patrol.
Hearsay was circulating last week and the week prior that an arrest was recently made with overwhelming evidence against a suspect in the September 2008 death of Wood—not true.
Although some of the evidence has already been tested, Sheriff Brueggeman said the State Patrol is still conducting evidence testing, and upon completion of the testing, all reports will be forwarded to the Perkins County Attorney’s Office.
As recently as Feb. 17, Sheriff Brueggeman and Perkins County Attorney Richard H. Roberts met with investigators from the Nebraska State Patrol to discuss the status of the criminal investigation.
“The case is still active and the investigation is ongoing,” said Brueggeman. “It’s not a cold case.”
Once the evidence testing is completed, the same agencies mentioned above will regroup to review the case and make a determination on whether charges can be filed and an arrest warrant issued.
“It takes time, and it can’t be taken lightly,” said Brueggeman. “We need to be patient and be sure to convict the right person. Her (Wood’s) family has been patient, just like we’ve been patient. Now if we could just get the public to understand.”
Tab Wood, brother of the victim, said the family has not learned of anything new from the State Patrol’s investigation. He said things quiet down a couple of weeks, then another rumor gets out.
“They (State Patrol) aren’t releasing anything,” said Wood. “They’re very tight lipped with us, and we’ve asked every question we can think of. They are very vague and they’re very well trained—they can talk for 10 minutes and not say anything.”
Brueggeman said he, along with the other agencies, is determined to see that justice gets served.
“We do care—it’s not something to forget about,” he said. “We’re committed to solving this. Not a day goes by that we don’t open the file, or discuss it.”
Corrie J. Wood, 28, was found dead in her home by her boyfriend, Scott Petro, at approximately 10 a.m. the morning of Sept. 20, 2008.
An autopsy was performed at Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff with preliminary results indicating she died as a result of blows to the head and body. A murder investigation followed.
Wood is a Chase County High School graduate and had a four-year-old daughter who was not at home during the time of her death.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Nebraska Crime Stoppers at 1-800-422-1494. They may remain anonymous. A tip can also be reported by logging on to the web site at www.nebraska

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else feel like NSC or whatever is just talking out her ass most of the time? She is always so vague; never gives any info, but acts like every piece of info is something she's already heard.

"The Imperial Article seems about right to me. I learned some info this past week as well and it all matches up."

Sorry, but I'm crying bullshit on this. I could say that too. Oh, oh, I'm in contact with someone close to the case and everything they've told me is about the same that was published in the paper. An arrest is iminent.

Okay, so when an arrest is made, watch NSC say something along the lines of "I knew an arrest would be made, my sources told me to expect an arrest, yadda yadda BLAH." Whatever. NSC knows just as much as anyone else. She's not on the inside and has no inside information about this case.

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like some jelousy is sprouting from someone. There really is no need to be jelous about this. NSC has done a lot of hard work to make sure this case gets the attention it needs so that in time it will be solved. Why do you feel the need to say negative things about someone that is trying to help this case along? Seems to me the best thing to do is just let her be and be greatful that a person that isn't even anywhere near Nebraska has taken such an interest on Corrie's case and wants to see it solved just as much as those of us who knew her. I think NSC is great for all that she is done, keep up the good work and I know that something will come out of this soon as well!!

Anonymous said...


NSC,here. I hope you think what I say is "Bull" -- If you haven't noticed, I don't post any "details" as not to jeopardize the case. Because the details I have are not public, DUH! Bet you would love to know them! When things are told to me in confidence, they go no farther. Same goes with my sources. My only concern is that this case gets a conviction because LE knows perfectly well who killed Corrie. Sorry, that you are the one sitting over there twidling your thumbs, wondering when the day an arrest will be made. It must really stink if you are the suspect. I know if I murdered someone, which I never would, I don't think I would be able to sleep at night. Not knowing when the police are going to show up at your door must be pretty excruciating. Anyway, I could care less if you think what I say is "bull" - what I say doesn't really matter to you "locals" that seem very angry about people caring about Corrie. There are many other super sweet locals that hope to get this case solved. I try to keep other websleuther's that are interested in this case and care about Corrie getting justice in the loop on where things are at. Don't forget there are MANY people who know about Corrie's case on a NATIONAL level. Her Facebook group has members from all over the country. You can look at stare at one another about who said what but this case is reaching many people's hearts far and wide.


Anonymous said...

NSC, Whats upsetting is to see all your shit talk about Scott who is having a pretty hard time getting over the loss and living with the guilt of not noticing before she left the bar without him. Don't be so sure of yourself just yet. Will you apologize once the facts come out and you find you exploited the wrong guy? If they had anything on him he would be in jail now for an unrelated parol violation they could easily drumn up until they obtained what they need.

Anonymous said...

I love when the jealousy card gets pulled. Because honestly, what the hell do I have to be jealous of? Nothing. Thanks though, try again.

Anonymous said...

I already know the facts. There will be no need for an apology.

Sorry!! But it's the truth.

Scott thinks he is above the law on all avenues. And this time he is finally going to run into a wall that puts him at a standstill. I hope he enjoys his "freedom" while he has it. I guess this could be a tall tell sign why the guy hasn't paid his rent the last 6-8 months. He would prob rather spend his money on booze and his defense team.

Anonymous said...

I too am with the above....I really don't believe everything I read that NSC "claims" If she knew something, she would gladly take credit upfront right now. She knows nothing more than speculation and rumor like the rest. I also agree that if SP had something going on with this, they have had MANY opps to get him and hold him. So tell me why not??? Hmmmm

Another agreement - don't be so sure of yourself just yet..SP may not be your man. Heck it may not even be a man. Watch and learn. Keep this board moving people...Corrie needs our help. NSC isn't sovling this crime anytime soon. NSC - change your never even met Corrie.

Anonymous said...

What do you have to jelous of? I don't know you tell me. You were the one going on and on about, "I could just say something too. And that NSC doesn't have any more information than the rest of us" just can't stand someone else knowing more than you and that is pathetic jelousy. I really don't think you should be jelous about it, thats why I said to just leave NSC alone and let them continue to work on this!

As to reply to a different post: The person who did this to Corrie is a man and that man is SP! SCOTT PETRO IS GUILTY!! And soon he will be brought down and will be forced to pay for the terrible thing he did, and the wonderful life that he took. Scott's need to have control over Corrie went way too far when he took control over her life and decided it was time to end it! Don't worry Corrie, we will never give up! Scott will pay justice for what he did to you!!

And no NSC has never met Corrie and that just shows what kind of a caring person NSC is to take such a huge interest and work so hard to get justice for a person that they never met!

Anonymous said...

Well maybe NSC should just state the facts and quit hiding her evidence that she claims to have... Corrie's brother even told the press they have no news, so I doubt an outsider does...but go ahead and feel special...everyone praise NSC for whatever she has done for this case....what has she done anyway?? Just a bunch of empty promises...and likely wrong finger pointing.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are "Petro Supporter"

Wake up and smell the crime.

Yes, I don't live in your town. Yes, I have never met Corrie. Yes, I have never met Scott (Thank God For That) Yes, I have spoke with many people. Yes, I have a backround in investigations. No, I don't go by the "bunk" though I will admit it took awhile to sort out. And now my source is as solid as a diamond.

Scott Petro continues to harrass innocent people daily. Yes, news does travel fast. What good is that doing for Scott? It says he is an unstable person who is a threat and liability to the public.

If anyone should be ashamed for passing on rumors it should be you! A girl? Seriously? That was a rumor Scott and his "peeps" made up. Lemme guess, next your going to say a threesome? Gimme a break. You are the one that has their head buried in the sand.

Scott was overly possesive of Corrie and had jealous rage. There are witnesses that can stand by these FACTS. He is an unstable alcoholic who has broken the law repeadly in his thirty-something years and has no regard for the law or human life. I can honestly type out he has no regard for human life by the pure fact of his repeat dui's - he is constantly putting innocent people in harms way.

I don't care about getting "credit" for anything. This is about getting a conviction that's it. This is the internet and certain people have a knack for reading about crimes and discussing them on the internet. I am not breaking any laws. The day the arrest is made, I will not stand up and say "I told you it would happen" - I will stand up and say "It's about darn time"! Some of us know IT WILL HAPPEN. And that is fine. We can wait patiently.

As for yourself. Why don't you ask yourself a few questions.

Ask your friend Scott to take a polygraph if he has nothing to hide? I know the people Scott has pointed fingers at have taken polygraphs freely and willingly. That would eliminate Scotts scapegoats. Without them, who else would you like to blame besides the obvious today???

Anonymous said...

*Aplause* Way to say it NSC!! Again *Aplause*!! You said all there is to say!! :)

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I'm not jealous of NCS at all because there is nothing to be jealous of. She isn't getting any credit for anything because she hasn't provided any new evidence or news about anything. All she does is agree with what's already out there, whenever it's released. She just chimes in with "Yep, that's what I heard too" when it's released in the paper. Never has she mentioned something before it came out in the paper.

I guess I just don't get what you think I'm jealous about. Honestly, what is there to be jealous of? Oh, an anonymous person on the internet who never met Corrie and that thinks she's making a huge difference in the case. That's right. I'm totally jealous of that. *eye roll* Get over yourself.

I still support justice for Corrie, but I think a lot of credit is being handed to someone who has no more knowledge about this case than anyone else in Grant. I find it odd that a complete stranger from the internet is so much more in the know than Corrie's family. Yeah, I guess I'm not buying that.

Anonymous said...

"NSC, Whats upsetting is to see all your shit talk about Scott who is having a pretty hard time getting over the loss and living with the guilt of not noticing before she left the bar without him."

I'm not NSC but come on, you can't possibly believe his lame story. Has he talked to NSP yet? His chances to change his behavior ended when he beat Corrie to death. He belongs back in the penitentiary.

Anonymous said...

I am not one to point fingers with only rumors and opinions floating around. I have never stated personally to anyone or posted who I think is or is not guilty, but do have my opinion on some things. I need cold hard facts to make a judgment. One thing I am sure of is there is more than one person out there that knows more than they are telling. That is what bothers me about all this. I did not know Corrie or her family either, but that does not mean I am not concerned about finding her killer. To me, it does not matter if you are local or from across the country or world, compassion is compassion. We can read daily about senseless killings of strangers, and my only hope is the guilty party is brought to justice, even through I don't know any involved. Knowing or not knowing the victim of something like this has no bearing at all in my opinion. Most of us have children, some have lost children or other loved ones, so can have compassion for others unknown to us, especially with children involved. It takes a very shallow, self centered person to belittle strangers trying desperately to help put this in the spotlight and bring some sort of justice. Sweeping it under the rug and forgetting about it does not do that. If you took a poll of the citizens of Grant right now of who they are concerned about connected with this crime, who would it be? I'm sure you will get more than one answer, but no proof. Yes, there has been a lot of negative rumors around about certain people, but do the people actually believe it or not. That is my question. I am also wondering how many people in your town have decided to push it to the back of their mind and go on about their own lives as if nothing has taken place. If people are going to spend their time and resources to try and figure these type of things out, more power to them. Proving or disproving something that everyone else has given up on is what it is all about. Another question I have is if all you want to do is complain and degrade people for trying to help, you are so sure who did or did not do this, (and no one knows right now,) is it possible you are living next door to the person that did. Someone is---------somewhere---------- is it you?? If it was a crime by someone connected to the victim or not, will they strike again someday??? Have a nice night.

Anonymous said...

Very well written previous poster. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments. I for one enjoyed reading what you had to say.

Back to the Petro Supporter......

Do you think the family or anyone close to the investigation is going to post what they know on a message board when it pertains to the future prosecution of a person having commited a murder? I don't think so. Why would anyone tip off the defense? They wouldn't! Not if they wanted to see a guilty murderer convicted!

You must be Scott or one of his little cronie girlfriends that run around and harrass innocent people!! So pathetic!

Anonymous said...

What's pathetic is some complete stranger acting like she's so involved in the case and acts like she knows so much more than anyone else involved in the case.

I just don't understand why anyone believes you. Why on earth would you know more than Corrie's family?

I just think it's weird that you don't bring anything new to the investigation, yet you agree with everything said by saying things like "That's the information my source told me, too" etc. Why would a local talk to some complete unknown stranger from god knows where about this? I'm sorry, but this is a close knit community and like most close knit communities, strangers aren't exactly welcomed with open arms.

And before I get accused, I'm not jealous, I'm not Scott, nor am I one of his "cronies."

Anonymous said...

"What do you have to jelous of? I don't know you tell me. You were the one going on and on about, "I could just say something too. And that NSC doesn't have any more information than the rest of us" just can't stand someone else knowing more than you and that is pathetic jelousy. I really don't think you should be jelous about it, thats why I said to just leave NSC alone and let them continue to work on this!"

ANYONE can say they heard the same shit from some secret source once the information is publicly released. It'd be way more impressive if she'd tell us something useful and then eventually it was released to the public. I get it that she's trying to not jeopardize the investigation if she really does know something, but I just don't understand why she must act so "in the know." Sorry, but I'm really fucking sick of getting email alerts from Websleuths and all it is is NSC acting like she knows everything. Either bring something to the case or shut the fuck up.

I don't know how many empty promises she's made. From the beginning, she peaked our interest with all this information she had gathered and yet not once has she shared anything. Why even tell us she knows something if she can't share? I don't understand the point.

Basically, what pisses me off is that she keeps saying an arrest is imminent. Well DUH. Eventually they WILL arrest someone. Anyone can be vague and be right eventually. But it also gets our hopes up that justice will be served SOON. And then when an arrest still isn't made, it makes me wonder if she really has an information because the arrest she keeps talking about still isn't made.

Get what I'm saying? :(

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