Saturday, November 8, 2008

Corrie Wood II

I decided to go ahead and shut down the comments section on the first Corrie Wood posting. I warned everyone not to make any threats to one another. It is unacceptable. Scott is technically innocent until proven guilty. However, that still doesn't mean you are not entitled to your opinon and if you want to express your opinon - please state: This is my opinon on what happend but there is no confirmed truth to the matter. I will now moderate any posts before they are allowed on my blog.

Reading this might be emotional for Scott to read. If you are innocent in terms of Corrie's death, then you have nothing to worry about. Any opinions being said on here hold no merit to you and my suggestion would be trying to find the person who did this to your girlfriend. This is the only way to fully take the cloud of suspicion off of you. Just my opinion. Last, since you are reading my blog, I would like to plead with you to stop drinking and driving. Maybe you had nothing to do with Corrie's death but I would devastated to find out that you killed an innocent person while drinking and driving. Please think of the innocent people out there that don't want to loose on of their son's or daughter's to a drunk driver. Think of your own child being taken from you by a drunk driver, imagine the hurt and pain you would feel. Please.

Folks, always remember that the mistakes of your youth and younger years can haunt you later in life. Every choice you make can affect you later on in life. Just like people that commit sex crimes against our youth will forever pay by being "outed" no matter where they live. Though, in my opinion they should have more harsh consequences. However, I am grateful to have this type of protection in place. When a sex crime is commited, it is always the prior offenders that are dragged in first. When you committ a violent hate crime, you will be in a data base and gurantee you that you will be dragged in first. I can understand Scott being frustrated at the speculation but he needs to remember that in most cases, it is always those with a prior record that are under suspicion first.

Keep it clean this time or I will not allow any additional postings.

Blue Crime Hunter